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Hi @sunset_hues


The job is hard enough with the added stress of my depression, on top of the coworker being awful. It has really affected me the past week. 


Thank you. I guess those things are good, but I still feel like I've gone so far back. I was this bad in May, and that was so hard. I thought after being in Hospital in June that would help things. I'm only worse and back to then. 


I just don't understand after I try so many things to try and help myself, reaching out, new med change, TMS, walking, meditation etc, nothing seems to help. I feel so broken and lost right now. 


I will keep that quote thank you. 


Yes, I did get through I had a chat with my regular. She is very worried, but I have a safety plan in place so things should be okay. I can always reach out again if I need to whether that is tonight or anytime during the week. 


I see my psychologist on Wednesday so that's a good thing. 


One question for you. How do you cope with motivation and not wanting to do things? I've really been struggling with motivation the past week. It's just been so hard to get up, shower and get dressed. I don't know why this is as I'm usually pretty good with self-care and all that. Do you ever struggle with motivation and self-care? 


Thank you for your reply. Helps me feel a little bit less alone.  

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