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Hey @Blueberries 

It’s good to hear from you! 😊

Thank you for being so honest and for sharing this, I am really glad that you have been able to share this with us as it sounds like it has been a pretty tough thing to be experiencing.

It is very understandable that you are feeling this way and it must be hard to not be able to spend time in the lounge room where the heater is and instead feel like you have to isolate yourself in your room even when it’s really cold.

It must be really confronting and upsetting for you when your sister gets scared of you and I can see how much of a big deal that must be for you. Your feelings are very real and important. I was wondering if you’ve ever spoken to anyone or your parents about how this makes you feel and how it impacts you? It is a lot to be managing these feelings on your own which is why it’s important that you are also receiving some support and talking to people about this.

Having a sibling with a disability is something that can be really difficult and you are not alone in feeling this way. I'm sure that many other people and siblings can also relate to these feelings and would share some of the feelings and experiences that you do. I was wondering if you have ever thought about connecting with any services or support groups for siblings? I know that you have shared in the past that you don’t like in person groups but I wanted to share this service with you called siblings Australia if you’re interested in exploring this. They have some resources and information on their website as well as some online groups options where you can get some support from other siblings who may be experiencing something similar. Is this something you'd be interested in? 

I know you mentioned that when someone gets scared of you, you get really upset and angry which is a very normal response and very real feelings to be having. I was wondering if perhaps there was anything else that helps you manage these feelings or makes you feel better in the moment?

I am really glad that you have felt comfortable sharing this with us and want to remind you that we are all here for you.

(P.s – we are past the halfway mark of winter…. So hopefully it will start to get warmer soon!) 🌞

Take care

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