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Hi @Tardis009


Thank you for sharing this with us. It sounds like this has been very difficult for you and has been having a big impact on you. 


I acknowledge that there are different things that are adding up to you feeling overwhelmed including the stress from exams with English and Chemistry, stress from relationships, feeling burntout and navigating through intrusive and disturbing thoughts. You are already doing a great job talking about it here on the Forums and demonstrating courage. That's the first step! Reaching out 🙂


You are not alone. You can have a look into our Peer Chat to be able to have a little one-on-one talk with someone who 'gets it'.  Perhaps having a safety plan in place will support you when intrusive and disturbing thoughts come up. BeyondBlue has an app you may be interested in which helps with your safety planning.


You are not alone. If you feel the need, please reach out to:

Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800



It also seems a value to you is to make connections. In regards to what you've shared, these resources might help you navigate that: Chat ( via phone and webchat & Home | Minus18 a LGBTQIA+ events that are fun, safe, and full of LGBTQIA+ pride for under18s. 


There is a good Reach Out resource for Coping strategies for exam stress that might help you. 


If you feel like things are getting too hard, we encourage you to reach out to a helpline like Lifeline.


Like you've said you have accomplished lots of things in life and we hope you continue to one step at a time 💜 

We're here to chat if you need, sending you lots of light 💜

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