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Hey @Tardis009


I think @Abbi-RO has covered pretty much what I would say. 

I want to also just say I'm really proud of you for taking that first step and sharing your story, and asking others for support. It shows the strength you have and the willingness you feel to get better. 


When other people (especially your peers) around you seem like they have a steady partner or best friend or sibling, it can definitely make you feel more isolated and alone. Loneliness can be such a challenging emotion and I can understand why it's been causing you such stress.


Feeling burned out can be so exhausting and make you feel unproductive. But I can see how much you do care about doing well. It must be really challenging having those conflicting thoughts in your head too...


What do you usually do when you need to distract yourself? Do you have hobbies that might help you take your mind out of those intrusive thoughts? 


I hope you're able to feel better soon. Please take care ❤️


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