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Dear @-pringles- ,


Thank you for being open and honest about what has been happening. I can see how much you respect this man, and wouldn't want to do anything to hurt him. It must be upsetting to have him cut contact. It is understandable that you are having thoughts about him not liking you. It sounds like you had a connection there in that he was able to say that he would be disappointed to lose you as a friend. 


It is admirable that you continue to respect and regard him highly. At the same time, I read that you feel you lean towards having a dependent attachment style. I'm glad you will be speaking to a number of supports about what is happening for you. It looks like you have a strong network of supports who can help you through this difficult time.


Remember that you are not alone in this. I'm glad to read you will be reaching out to KHL counsellors as well as your own private counsellor.


Please look after yourself. You are worth it, and deserve what's best for you 🙂

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