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Casual scribe

Hi @xXLexi_Lou122Xx, i have adhd but i am really no expert.

i find it really helpful to set deadlines for myself. Time pressure really helps me work, and if my dealine was yesterday and nothing's done then it gives me motivation to do stuff.

Another thing thats useful is bins/boxes (piles do work but it's less organised). Everywhere. Basically what this does it allows you to organise things as you go without it feeling like a chore, e.g. when i get home from school and put on trackies I put my dirty uniform in the dirty washing bin so when I need to put out my washing it isn't a lot of effort. Another way this works is for homework; I will get all of the books I need out and then make an urgent and not urgent pile in front of me so that I can visually understand what I have to do.

Hope that helped (this post is a great idea btw)

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