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Hi Iya, 


Thank you for sharing on here! I hope that it's been helpful, and you are feeling a bit better. We are all human, and we always make mistakes! I just wanted to chime in and offer my support as I have been through the same thing! In year 12, I attempted to cheat on an exam and got caught by a friend. I wasn't sure if she was going to tell the teacher, but I felt so guilty and ashamed that it bothered me for the rest of the day. I eventually told my teacher so that I could get in before anyone else informed them. It wasn't easy, I felt super embarrassed and ashamed but eventually I felt better, and everyone moved past it. I'm sure your teacher will understand, and your friends will eventually come around - I hope they are being understanding.  I just wanted to share my personal experience to show you that you're not alone in making this mistake. It will be okay. Be kind to yourself! School is hard and often times feels unmanageable - I wonder if your school has anyone you could talk to for some support? Otherwise KHL is a good place to start - I know a few others recommended that as well. 


Look after yourself 💛 



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