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Hi @Stormy-RO

I love this post! I think emotional dysregulation can be one of the most intense/hardest parts of managing mental health, so definitely a very helpful post! 


For me a few things help: 

  • A daily meditation practice. This is more a "preventative". I started this when I was in a better headspace as sometimes it's difficult to jump into meditating during intense emotions when you don't have much practice. Doing some guided meditation everyday (even 5mins) for a few months helped me navigate the intense emotional periods when they come. I learned to let negative emotions and thoughts just pass without overidentifying with them which was a GOD SEND ☁️
  • Doing the opposite of my physical stress response: I became aware that when I'm anxious I bring my shoulders up, tense muscles in my hands and arms and clench my stomach. Consciously focusing on doing the opposite of these things helped - so I push my shoulders back, imagine my muscles relaxing and being supported by whatever I am resting on and do some deep belly breaths. 
  • Coping statements. I have some short statements that I keep repeating to myself which I find soothing. "This will pass", "everyone starts somewhere", "this is scary but not dangerous." "I'm okay and safe" 
  • Wrapping myself up in a weighted blanket with some hot tea - I find this physically soothing. 
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