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Hey @AcidMonster55 ,


Thanks for sharing! I'm sure many can relate to what you are saying. I read that you want to want to unwind, but then your mind keeps telling you that you shouldn't. I'm thinking this is the similar for those who want to start studying but their mind is procrastinating. Hence, I'm wondering if the strategies ti help be START studying may be similar for those who want to START relaxing? e.g. set small goals (instead of taking a whole day off, start with an hour or so). What do you think? Or schedule in breaks into your studying routine?


Something you may be able to relate to is when students at school are so geared to thinking critically when reading a text or watching a movie, so that for a long time after school, they still find themselves critically analysing camera angles, lighting, sound etc? So rather than 'relaxing' and 'enjoying' the book or show, they are looking for language and film techniques 🙂 Can you relate?


It sounds like just as it takes time to start getting into a routine of studying, it is also takes time to unwind.... thoughts?

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