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Super frequent scribe

TW: im ruining my own friendships

recently ive started to feel like everyone hates me. my one close friend has been hanging out with other people and when i managed to get some of her time it just felt really awkward. i know my personality sucks and i judge people a lot, thats why one of my friends calls me a bitch. yesterday i opened my messaging app and saw that it looks like two of my friends have blocked me. one of them was my closest friend, unfortunately. i havent said anything to anyone over the school holidays except wishing them a merry christmas, making myself grow even further apart from them. i know this is all my fault and what happened is probably a build up of small things that ive done. i sent a really heart felt message to one of my friends asking her if id done anything wrong recently, because i wanted to know the exact reason they blocked me. she left me one read, so she must be angry at me too. even though a couple of days ago we were both celebrating the blahaj she got. im not sure when my ties to my friendship group started to fade but it must have happened around the time when two of my great friends announced they were moving schools. my close friend started hanging out with them to get the most out of their last months together. as a result i grew further away from those three, as they never included me in their conversations. so i started hanging out with the girl that called me a bitch and blahaj girl. the girl that called me a bitch has anger issues that she occasionally releases on two of us. its always us two and she is always so kind to everyone else. i know she needs an output for her anger but the other person always gets anger taken out on them because of how easy going they are, and how it seems like they dont mind. its so unfair on them but if i point it out the girl will just scream and get angrier. theres not much i can do right now, i think ive lost all of my friends and i wont enjoy this school year.

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