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Frequent scribe

Hey @Bel_RO  - Such a brilliant and relevant post idea!! So useful for any stage in our life - whether it be school, university, or our jobs!


For me, heading back to university, readjustment looks like lots of chill planning and reading! I make sure that I’ve enrolled in all my subjects, have the right resources (books, diaries, extra readings/papers), and know (generally) what my timetable and assessment due dates are! Pretty similar to @Rara .


To make sure my mental health and wellbeing are pretty good, and I’m not super stressed or anxious, I like to plan when I would meet up with friends during each week, go for runs, and turn off my phone an hour before bed! 😃


It’s so important to look after ourselves to prevent burnout - how does everyone else plan to readjust and look after their wellbeing before school starts?

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