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Hey @Silver_Manatee ,

Welcome to the ReachOut forums and thank you for sharing what you’re going through. I can see how tough things have been for you. It is understandable and totally valid that you’re feeling stressed not having a job while also not having a safety net to fall back on. Have you been able to access financial support services through Centrelink? There is also an article on how to deal with unemployment and another on getting a job (which includes links to websites for job seekers!). These articles include advice and tips that might help you cope and explore ways you can find a job, create a resume etc.


It can be heartbreaking to feel like you have no family with your mum and brother emotionally unavailable. However, I can see that you’ve got friends who you love and think are awesome. It is really good to see that you have a great group of friends. I also hear your concerns about being afraid to share what you’re going through. It is understandable that you’re feeling this way and want you to know that it’s okay to feel scared. Despite this, have you thought about talking to your friends about what you’re going through? I am also curious to know if you have any professional support? I encourage you to explore Headspace who offer free and confidential counselling. I also recommend Peer Chat which is a 1:1 free and confidential peer support service. It can be a great way to chat about what you’re experiencing!


It sounds like you’re also have a tough time around university. This is something many young people struggle with so you're not alone. I encourage you to reach out to your course advisor and discuss your circumstances with them, if you feel comfortable to do so. They might be able to connect you with the wellbeing services at your university and provide you with adjustments that might help you get back on track.

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