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Hey @eden_m01 Thanks for sharing how things have been going for you since the job application. Waiting to hear back after an interview can be so nerve wracking! On top of that it sounds like you've been struggling with your sleep, and not sleeping well can have a negative impact on so many other areas of our lives. I'm wondering how you are feeling overall?


Wow- you've been so proactive and resilient in trying so many strategies to help yourself get to sleep! It must be so frustrating that nothing you have tried has been helpful 😞 Sometimes strategies that work for some people don't always work for others, but there might be something in our resource database on sleep here that could be worth also trying, if you're looking for more strategies. We also have a thread on the community here which you might find useful.


I was wondering whether you have anyone you can talk to about what's been going on, or any professional supports who could help with your anxiety and trouble falling asleep? 


I also wanted to check in with how you went with looking at places that support people with anxiety around job hunting?

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