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Hi @Solgaxer,


Looks like you are going through a really rough patch at the moment. Personally, I feel like you understanding your circumstances and having help seeking behaviours are really spot on and you could be proud of yourself on that.


In terms of friendship situation, yep I get you on that, I had a friend which had to pull the weight a lot on some outings as well and it feel upsetting when that isn't appreciated or taken for granted by the people you wanted to engage with and hold dearly too. So I wanted ask if there been anyway in which you have express that to your friends and loved ones? 


For your relationship situation, I feel like the same applies as well, relationships ( friendships or relationships) are tough to maintain and it is very tiring when it feels one-sided at times.


In any case, I feel like it would be worthwhile for you ( as mentioned in the previous message by @Sprouting_Flowers to seek some help and advice from anyone you trust well or any trained professionals if that's more helpful for you

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