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Hello @Bel_RO


This is a very thoughtful and important post and something that we sorta overlook when things get really rough ( which makes it ever more important)


In terms of my study-life balance, I do have one albeilt it's not overly structured, for me it generally involves studying for certain amount of time ( lets say 2-3 hours), when a session is done, I often go about doing my passion project (trying to compile a lunch specials list at the moment) or/and relax with a nice little youtube video as well.


If I get overly exhausted in one of these study sessions, I would go off for a walk of some sort, breath in the fresh air a bit, or go off to a nearby park or garden to study instead ( so changing up the scenery a bit)


In any case, these are what I do normally and I hope to see more people go about posting their study-life balance as well 😊



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