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Being "Too Shy"

Growing up, a lot of people have described me as being "too shy" or "too quiet." During primary school, I always interpreted this as an insult or as a problem I needed to "fix" - especially since extroverted traits seem to be better valued in society or at least in the media. As a result, I created this outgoing and loud persona, which I quickly discarded of, as I found it very uncomfortable, performative, draining and, most of all, deceptive. However, as the years passed, I realised that because of my quiet disposition, I listened more, was better able to empathise with others and did not overwhelm others with my own feelings when they were being vulnerable. This led to the realisation that because of my quiet (but open) demeanour, I could hold space for people and give them time and space to work through their thoughts and feelings, which I think is pretty cool. So, if anyone has had a similar experience, I hope this brings you some solace as being "too shy" or "too quiet" can actually make you very observant and introspective. This is NOT to say that extroverted and outgoing people cannot be empathetic, sensitive or self-aware - it is more to highlight some of the strengths I see in myself and other "quiet/shy" people. 

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