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@Sprouting_Flowers this is a lovely post. 


I used to constantly compare myself to others throughout high school and it was something I struggled with quite a bit. Now that I'm out of school, I have learnt that as cliche as it may sound, everyone is just on their own path through life.


I used to wonder why I wasn't getting perfect grades like the person next to me, or why I couldn't find the energy to get out of bed some days, whereas my brother would be up at 6am to go for a run.


Changing my mindset away from the self-comparison helped a lot and gave me a lot more peace in my life. Yes, my brother may get up at 6am for a run, but you and I both know that the knee I injured when I was 13 would never allow me to run like that.


Yes, the person next to me in class got 100% on their English essay, but they're spending hours on preparation because they want a 90+ ATAR to go into a tricky Uni degree.


Reframing mindsets definitely helped me become a better person for myself and those around me

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