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Casual scribe

I think there is a really oppressive nature to the 9-5 office lifestyle that so many people live. I think it has a lot to do with this ingrained idea that being introverted is bad, because it was seen as a barrier to getting a job and working well. In reality, we're just different and the system doesn't really get it. I've been reading a lot about research into neurodivergence and I've come to believe this structured lifestyle is the also the cause of neurodivergence being 'othered' - it has in reality been shown to have had evolutionary benefits. I also suffer from serve PMS, which can make study at a certain time of the month really difficult - but again this is just the result of a systemic preference for the male experience. The result of of this reflection is just that I don't need to change, the work and schooling system is what does.

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