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Hey @Samm38,

Welcome back to ReachOut! It’s great to see you again. I’m sorry to hear about the conflict between your step sister and mum. I can see that it’s been really tough for you as it’s not only been ongoing for 2 years, but it’s also affecting your mum's relationship with your step dad. I want to take a moment here to acknowledge your awareness and courage for sharing your experience with the community; but also speaking up to your mum about how she has been unfairly treating your step sister. It is not okay and is understandably upsetting. You might find this resource on how to deal with your parents fighting all the time useful as it includes some really great strategies. 


You mentioned that you haven’t spoken to anyone about what’s been happening. Sometimes communicating with a friend that you trust can be important to cope and feel supported. Are you able to identify a friend to share this experience with? I can see that it’s also been affecting your wellbeing, causing panic attacks when others raise their voice and feeling on edge constantly. I am curious to know how long you have been experiencing panic attacks when someone raises their voice? This article on everything you need to know about panic attacks includes some information and coping strategies around panic attacks that you might find helpful. 


It can be really helpful to speak to a professional like a counsellor or psychologist as they may be able to help you manage these stressors. Do you have any professional support at the moment? If you would like to talk to someone in a confidential space, one-on-one, I encourage you to connect with Kids Helpline and Headspace. Both services offer free and confidential counselling online via phone or web chat, while Headspace also has a number of in-person centres. I also want to note that you are always welcome to post on the ReachOut community as we are here to support you!. 


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