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Hey @Maize_Falcon

Porn is definitely something that is very normalised in our society these days I've found, and quite ubiquitous; especially with the rise of platforms like OnlyFans. It can have positive and definitely very negative effects. However, I feel as though exposure at such a young age and the way in which it is negatively impacting your life is an issue. I'm glad you have recognised this as something you want to change!


Have you considered discussing this with maybe a school counsellor? Or Kids Helpline?


Additionally, have you tried to lessen your consumption? Like for instance, when I want to stop a bad habit (for me, excessive skin picking) I try and tally the amount of days I've gone without doing it. When I reach a certain goal, I allow myself a treat. Positive reinforcement! Another user on here @Lemon_Dolphin  also suggested limits, which is similar and another good idea. Also, to reiterate what was said by them, it will take effort and it is okay to fail at times.


Additionally, I had a speaker come to my highschool, back when I was your age, and he discussed his previous porn addiction. He talked about how he couldn't watch Game of Thrones because it was too sexual in nature. It might be difficult in today's society, but is there a way for you to avoid shows or imagery, etc, that are overly sexual in nature and may trigger you to want to watch porn again?


Self-care is particularly important, as this seems like a distressing time for you. Is there any activities and such that you enjoy doing that will elevate your mood and make you feel better? 🙂


Best wishes and best of luck to you! This is tricky, but you can get through this!


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