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Hi @Midnight_skylight


Firstly, I want to say thank you for opening up on here. I know the strength and courage it takes to open up about personal things such as relationships.                                                    I am also glad you have been working making self-care a daily priority. I know when your in these types of relationships that it is hard to do that. 


Secondly, I am so sorry to hear that this what you have been going through. I agree with @snazzy_pigeon that one of the key foundations of a relationship is communication. And I am sorry that you have not had a lot of people which you can turn to and talk to about it. 


Also, you are so brave for bringing up how your feeling to your partner. I know how scary and intimdating it can be, espically when there are promises of things changing and things never do. 


My honest advice would be trying to scheulde a time where you can both sit down and talk about how you feel, in a neutral location and take it from there. I hope it all works out well for you and you end up with someone who listens to how you are feeling. 


My biggest piece of advice would be, as scary as it may seem is to follow your gut instincts and trust your heart.

I know at the end  of the day you will make the right desicion and always remember you are stronger than you know...

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