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Seeing a psychologist - obstacles not often talked about

Hi everyone,


I just wanted to share some thoughts on the struggles of getting professional mental health support. I've been trying to get some help lately, and it's been a bit of a journey. However, I'm incredibly happy and proud to say I've finally been able to get out there and I'll be seeing a psych soon!


Here are a few things I've noticed that might resonate with some of you:


Cost: Therapy can be super expensive, especially if you're struggling with other things financially, it doesn't seem like something to spend on ASAP. I've been lucky enough to save up a bit to start seeing someone but it was very challenging. 


Finding the Right Fit: Not every therapist is the right match for everyone. It can take a few tries to find someone you really click with, and that process can be exhausting and discouraging. Working in the mental health field, I so often see people needing to go through different people and sometimes it takes a couple tries to get it right, YOU GOT THIS!


Stigma: For me, this was a big one. Culturally, no one in my family talks or believes in mental health and it's been tricky trying to get them to be open-minded. Even though we're getting better about talking about mental health, there's still a lot of stigma out there. It can be hard to admit you need help and actually reach out for it, especially if you're family or those around you say it's not important.


Time: Between school, work, and everything else, finding the time to see someone regularly can be tough. Some of us have to balance so much that it feels impossible to fit therapy into our schedules. That's why I think services like ReachOut are incredible, not only is it assessable but sometimes it can be a light in the tunnel.


Accessibility: Not everyone has easy access to mental health services. If you live in a rural area or a place without a lot of options, it can be really hard to find someone to see. We're very lucky to be in a day and age where we can access help via the internet, but sometimes it's also a difficult option and not for everyone.


Is anyone else experiencing this? How are you guys dealing with it? Does anyone have any suggestions around these or maybe even something to add to the list?

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