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Hey @Dezzy02,  

I’d like to start off by welcoming you to ReachOut! I would also like to thank you for your courage and sharing what you have been going through. Having depression and anxiety can be so tough to manage, so how you’re feeling is really understandable! I can hear that you have depressive episodes, I am curious to know how long you have been experiencing these episodes for? It also sounds like these episodes have been happening often, are there any strategies you use that help you manage those feelings?


I’d like to take a moment to acknowledge your self-awareness and resilience, which really stands out in your post. Being able to know that you need support and taking that step to reach out despite struggling with being vulnerable and opening up is so incredible! The steps you have taken today to connect with Beyond Blue is truly inspiring and then also joining ReachOut and sharing your experience is amazing. You should be so proud of yourself as what you have achieved today can be tough for a lot of young people. 


With what you are going through and having spoken to support services, I am interested to know if you have spoken to any professionals like a GP and Psychologist for support? I also want to let you know that ReachOut offers 1:1 free and confidential peer chat sessions for young people aged 18 to 25, if you are interested in some additional support. It is also really important to look after yourself and do some self-care activities, so I am curious to know what you will be getting up to today to take care of yourself? If you’re looking for some ideas of self-care activities, this article here has a few tips that you might want to explore. 

I’d also like to let you know that I have had to edit your post to maintain anonymity which is a part of the community guidelines. You can find out more information about our community guidelines here.

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