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Creating and Maintaining Boundaries

Hey everyone! I wanted to ask you all how you create and maintain boundaries in relationships. 


I feel like i am pretty good at it, but there are a few things i slip up on occasionally with my own personal boundaries. I find it hard to make myself the priority sometimes, but ill tell you the things i do. Please let me know what you do! doesn't have to be specific to romantic relationships. 


- clear communication of boundaries: i am not scared of saying what i want. I believe if i am too scared to express my feelings about something, then the relationship isn't right for me

- have alone time: i am an extreme introvert and need it to recharge. my partner is well aware of this. 

- point out a clear violation in the moment

- make sure to tell them how i feel when a boundary is broken: i feel like this really hits home. You may have a boundary that the other person doesn't understand. I think helping them to understand can solidify that boundary

- make sure respect of boundaries is reciprocated: it helps my case if i am able to respect the other persons boundary. 


Excited to hear what everyone else's opinions!!

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