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Hello @Green_Forest,


It goods to see that your mental health is doing well 😁.


In regards to your romance troubles, as mentioned by many of the people replying here, it would be really great to assess the situation as it goes, so just essentially keep chatting or communicating as it goes would be a good nice step.


As mentioned by @snazzy_pigeon and @Thistle_Jellyfish, low frequency of communication may be indicative that the person might not feel the same way, so that might be something you want to take note of.


Also I feel you as well, there was a point where I did in fact really “wanted” a girlfriend and kept getting attracted to their niceness, but I did get advice from my friends that are in relationships, which led me to understand that I was onto just attracted to their kindness.


Thus, I had a better understanding of my actual feelings. After a while, things just naturally follow suit, as I only got a girlfriend after about a year of hanging out and chatting with her.

But ya what I’m getting at is that’s no need to rush but I also the feeling really does overwhelm you though so I totally get that as well.


But ya assess the situation, chat and hang out with the person more, get to know them and see how it goes.


And as previously mentioned by @adzukitty, a pros and cons list could also be helpful to visualize the issue if having it all written out is helpful for you to get a bigger picture.


But ya, do feel free to chat to anyone on the platform to reach out if you have any more concerns 😁




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