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Hey @adzukitty thank you so much for sharing this! 


I can completely relate to this because I also find it really hard to get out of bed, especially since I don't hear my alarm in the morning. I always get into a tricky situation which is why my mother has to pull my out of bed (quite literally). 


Something that helps motivate me to get up is wearing a really warm Sherpa hoodie that feels just like I'm wearing my blanket. It keeps me warm and makes me feel like I'm almost in bed. Especially in the winter, when it's freezing. 


I also like to set many alarms, usually at 5 minute intervals, hoping that I hear one of them. I place my phone out of reach which requires me to get up out of bed. 


I really hope these tips are useful, and please remember that you are not alone! 😃🙌

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