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Hello @Stormy-RO 


Excellent post that you had made on self-care! I really like that you have presented another source of outlet for self care that can be used for our disposal especially when conventional self-care seems rather bland or difficult for some.


Personally I engage in a multitude of them such as the more conventional ones like light exercises and quiet alone time.


But one of the more creative self care methods would be to look back on the quotes that I had made of all the silly things that me and my friends had said in our conversations.


For context, I would record noteworthy or funny quotes that me and my friends would utter throughout the day, and this serves as a reminder or journal of sort for my day as well as a reminder of the fun moments we spent engaging in lectures, classes, conversation etc.


Not sure if that’s particularly creative but this is one of the more bizarre things I do for self cafe 😂


In any case, I love forward to looking into other people’s creative self-care tactics as well 🤩

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