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Hey @Lolamations !


Thanks for sharing your experiences with us, it takes a lot of courage to do this, and you should feel really proud! I can imagine that it would feel pretty disorienting and distressing to feel that you're having sensory experiences that don't match up with reality. I think that it would be really confusing and upsetting to not know why you're experiencing this. I'm really sorry if you've been feeling any of these things 💜.


I'm wondering whether you've had a chat about this with any friends or family members at all? I find it super valuable to be able to lean on my loved ones when i'm experiencing something that's confusing or upsetting. I think that @Matcha_Toad and @Bel_RO have made some really great suggestions here about potentially speaking to someone like your GP, a psychologist, counsellor, or even Kids Helpline! These types of people have lots of experience and would be able to give you some really great insight into what you've been experiencing, and advice for dealing with any distress that you've been experiencing as a result.


I love @Matcha_Toad 's suggestion about doing some self-care, it's so important to look after ourselves, especially when we're experiencing something challenging. Self-care can be big fun things that you like doing but also just small tasks that help care for you (eg cooking your favourite meal)! 


I'm sending lots of care your way 💛.

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