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Hi @Rattata

I am sorry you are going through this. Change to routine can be really confusing.

Have you tried to talk to her about her communication? Maybe try and have a conversation about this sudden shift and let her know how you feel. In regards to the night out where you thought she was bredcrumbing I think I have been in this position before with my own partner where it is difficult to text consistently due to the being out at an event or having heaps of friends around that you feel bad to leave and go on your phone. 

I have had talks about not replying until my partner knows he can reply consistently and vice versa because personally for me that is better then getting one message and waiting 30mins or more for the next.

Don't be afraid to tell her how you feel but also assure her that you want her to have her freedoms and enjoy herself. Try to come to conclusions together as to what you need from one another at this time.

Maybe even ask to join her for some outings and make sure you are scheduling hang out time in for the two of you as well. (My partner and I have a shared google cal so we can see when we are both free to hang out whilst also staying looped in to the others plans).

You are doing great. Let us know if anything new pops up!

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