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Casual scribe
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Last Active9th February



I have no friends and I feel like everyone hates me



I just started year 8 after last year failing at life. I totaly stuffed everything up with my friends and now the head of their group is in all of my classes and the dirty looks I get are killing me. I'll just make some coment in class and she'll give me a wtf piss off look and I just feel sc... read more

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I don't care about school anymore.

I'm in year seven and I want to care about school but I just don't and feel like a terible person everyday becaus of it. I focas all on  mucking about and stuff. I falled french and I was so disipointed in my self. I hated myself so much, but I still can't care. At all.



For a while I had friends... read more

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