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Hi :)

Hi! Welcome to ReachOut!


I'm @Ben-RO and I'm a Community Coordinator. It's my job to look after everyone on the forums. I'm here to tell you what the forums are and how you can get involved. 


So what are the forums anyway? 

The forums are a place people go to talk, they’re just like all the other places you go to talk to people online. Our forums are special though, because you can talk about stuff you’re not ready to share anywhere else and nobody will know. We’ll listen and support you, no matter what 🙂


Go here to read more and see how to get started 


Ben-ROPosted 24-10-2017 11:01 AM

Comments (16 pages)

authenticpandaPosted 02-09-2018 04:17 AM

I guess. It's really late than expected.. Haha. I've came back from Italy not so long ago. Jet lag kills! It was my first time overseas. Totally didn't catch up on my school work for a whole month while I was having fun in Italy. Jet lag + Catch up on school work = *stress* Think I can do it? Because I don't think so. I'll be back to school on Monday. (kill meeee)


I don't mind a chat honestly. Just to get my head around things and see how this goes?

Haha. If it goes good and I can make a few friends. Means the world to me. #loner


Few facts about me.. I love anime! I'm a pro-procrastinater... I'm a very socially awkward person in real life. Smiley Mad


Destructive05Posted 02-09-2018 07:43 AM
I love anime. I am a pro- procrastinator.
I would love to just chat too.
I get stressed out alot easier then most people and that stresses me out. 😝
I am really shy... i don't have many friends. And when i do, there gone by
the next month! 😣😣😣 #loner

I hope it all goes well and you complete your work.
Teachers+un-complete homework=TROUBLE
, k Byeeee.
authenticpandaPosted 02-09-2018 12:03 PM
Hahaha omg why do we have so much in common. So weirdddd. I moved away from my friends. It's been harder to make friends at my new school. I fit in and all. Just so socially awkward and just don't have common interests with them. Struggles. >____<
Lonelygir102Posted 01-09-2018 10:12 PM

I feel sad will you be my friend 

Destructive05Posted 02-09-2018 07:36 AM
Yes. I feel sad too. I will be your friend.
PuppyLoverPosted 01-09-2018 07:46 PM

Hi everyone, I'm new to the forums and just thought they might be something to try to get some things off my chest and chat about things comfortably annonomously 🙂

N1ghtW1ngPosted 02-09-2018 01:43 PM
Hello and welcome @PuppyLover and @authenticpanda! Both such amazing usernames!! 😄 😄
Destructive05Posted 30-08-2018 08:02 AM

I'm new here and I would like to say hi☺

Hi. I'm new here.

My favorite colour is green and blue... and blurple. If thats a colour anyway.

My favorite way to relax is to read, listen to music, play games, or draw... and anything i didn't mention too. 

What's your favorite color and way to relax?

N1ghtW1ngPosted 31-08-2018 10:07 AM
Hello there @Lonelygir102 and @Destructive05 and welcome to the forums! The thread linked below is a great place to start and share some cool things about yourself,

See you around! 😄
Lonelygir102Posted 28-08-2018 04:22 PM

Hay cool I found out how 2 post 

MelodyAziziPosted 29-08-2018 02:01 AM

Hey there. I'm new. I'd love to get to know you ..

Lonelygir102Posted 29-08-2018 12:47 PM
Some chatting sounds like fun 🙂

Sent from my iPad
Destructive05Posted 30-08-2018 08:03 AM
Hi. Want to be friends?
Lonelygir102Posted 28-08-2018 04:21 PM
Um i am new at this and i am not good at talking to people so I signed up and umm my favourite colours are perpal and red and i love to colour and dimand bead and i think puzzles are the best.
MelodyAziziPosted 26-08-2018 11:56 AM

Hi. I'm new.

Destructive05Posted 30-08-2018 08:05 AM
Want to be friends? Im new too. ☺
scared01Posted 30-08-2018 09:51 AM

hello @Destructive05 and welcome! 


feel free to use the introduce yourself thread, creat your own thread or have a look around and see where youd like to join in. weve got many games, chat threads, and the tougher stuff too. 

JupiterPosted 26-08-2018 01:03 AM

Hello to all! Call me Jupiter because I wish to be as strong and steady as the biggest planet in our solar system. My favourite colours are blue and green as they help to calm my mind. Music is my best friend and books help me relax. Nice to meet you!

Erin-ROPosted 26-08-2018 11:33 AM

Hi @Jupiter and welcome to the RO forums, we're glad you've found us! I love the meaning behind your username, it's very cool! 


I did notice that it looks like you might be posting from somewhere other than Australia - as we are an Australian service, we are best equipped to provide support and information for people within this country. I'll send you an email with some more information on this. 


Lacuna01Posted 25-08-2018 01:55 PM

Hi, I’m Lacuna01.


My favourite colour is navy blue and my favourite way to chill out is to play piano, read, listen to music and drink tea. 🙂

N1ghtW1ngPosted 25-08-2018 03:35 PM
Hello and welcome @Lacuna01 😄 😄
BeePosted 25-08-2018 03:15 PM

Hey there @Lacuna01 Welcome to RO!

bom dia hello GIF

We have a heap of fun threads in hanging out where you can talk about music you're listening to, Books and so much more! Do you want to introduce yourself here?

youcandothisPosted 20-08-2018 06:21 PM

Hey, I'm new to the forums so I assume this is a good place to start! 


My favourite colour is probably turquoise or sky blue, and my favourite way to relax is by listening to music, taking a warm bath, watching my favourite youtubers or watching some Netflix (especially brooklyn nine-nine, the office or new girl) 


N1ghtW1ngPosted 20-08-2018 06:56 PM

Hello and welcome to the forums @youcandothis!

Welcome back!

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