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AMAA: Reframing Autism



This month we are doing something special for neurodivergent folks out there! It’s time to have a chat about the unique mental health challenges that are faced by the autistic community. 


We will be joined by Ginny from Reframing Autism -- an organisation that has such a powerful mission statement, I thought I would include it below. 


“At Reframing Autism, we want the Autistic community to be included, embraced and valued. 

We want Autistic people to be active citizens.

It is our mission to help our community achieve these goals.

At Reframing Autism, we nurture Autistic identity and culture.

And we celebrate diversity in all its forms.”


Reframing Autism provides autistic led: 


  • support + education
  • research + resources
  • leadership + advocacy. 


If you want to check it all out I highly recommend jumping onto their website, checking out their podcasts and reading their articles. 


On Tuesday the 20th of April we will have the privilege of having a two hour live chat with Ginny. As always, send through all your burning questions and we will go through them together between 7pm - 9pm. 


Bre-ROPosted 08-04-2021 02:32 PM
GinnyRAPosted 20-04-2021 08:40 PM

Exercise is an incredibly useful tool for helping to regulate stress. It can feel very difficult to get out for exercise when you’re feeling anxious or depressed but I always find that when I do, I feel a lot better afterwards. I used to run but now I prefer to power walk. This has led me to complete several long-distance team walking events for charity, each one a huge achievement. I find that having exercise goals helps me to keep up my exercise.


Also, seeing a psychologist regularly helps me to unpack difficult experiences I may encounter as well as troubling thoughts and feelings. 


Many people swear by meditation, but my mind is always so busy that I struggle to stay with a particular exercise. I find breathing exercises, which take much less time, very helpful in calming my anxious mind. A few years ago I was taught emotional freedom technique, also known as tapping, which felt weird but was strangely calming, and occasionally I’ll go back to it.


Another thing that helps me to cope in stressful situations is to block out unnecessary sound with my noise-cancelling headphones (which I'm wearing right now to shut out background noise). Would ear defenders be allowed during exams?


I also am deeply attached to fidget toys called tangles. They’re linked chains made from brightly coloured plastic in a variety of designs. In a stressful meeting or appointment I will curl mine up into a ring shape and squeeze tightly on it, which helps to calm me.  


There are so many other possibilities, including journalling, mindful colouring, gaming, immersing in passions, escapism through reading, listening to the same song on repeat and singing along loudly and dancing.


It can take some time to find the things that help you, but do keep trying – it’s so important to find ways to regulate emotions.

HozzlesPosted 20-04-2021 08:47 PM

I'm always trying new things to try and take away stress! Totally relate on your point on meditation, for me it's the fact that I only ever do meditation when I'm stressed, so my brain has associated it with stress (same with walking to a particular place in my neighbourhood). For this reason I always like to switch it up a bit, haha. Nose-cancelling headphones are good, I need to try them more!

I love those new fidgets that are like popping bubble wrap! 

GinnyRAPosted 20-04-2021 08:50 PM

@Hozzles, totally know what you mean about only trying meditation when you're stressed. A previous psychologist banned me from a certain meditation app that I used obsessively! And ooh those new bubble popping things look very cool. I am keen to try them out!

Bre-ROPosted 20-04-2021 08:49 PM

Noise cancelling headphones in a loud restaurant = life saver for me!! @Hozzles 

Bre-ROPosted 20-04-2021 08:44 PM

All amazing suggestions @GinnyRA I've heard a lot about tapping techniques! Interesting. I'll have to look into it again. My fave suggestion here is listening to the same song on repeat and singing and dancing to it. I do this on the regular!! 

Bre-ROPosted 20-04-2021 08:46 PM

Our next question is great. Something I'm sure a lot of people would benefit from hearing @GinnyRA response 


What support can be provided for autistic adults as they transition beyond high school and daily demands increase?

GinnyRAPosted 20-04-2021 08:48 PM

Finishing high school and beginning your adult life can be daunting, with so many big decisions to make about your future study or work and living arrangements. But rest assured, there is plenty of support available whichever direction you wish to take. Have a think about your strengths, skills and interests and research possible career options. Don’t worry about mapping out your whole future! There should be a career advisor or counsellor at your school who can talk through your ideas and help with planning the next steps. If you’re considering studying at university or TAFE, there will be disability liaison staff member or consultant who can discuss the possible supports and adjustments they can provide. If it’s employment you’re seeking, then you may want to connect with a disability employment service. And don’t forget to connect with other young Autistic people in your area for advice and any social opportunities. Having a network of neurodivergent friends can have a huge positive impact on your wellbeing. In terms of your daily living, it may be worth consulting an occupational therapist who can help to identify day-to-day challenges and suggest ways you might address these. Visual supports can be really helpful in terms of keeping track of your study and work hours, classes, tasks and assignments, and so on.

HozzlesPosted 20-04-2021 08:51 PM

Linking with the disability resource centre at my uni changed my life, and I'm really grateful that I've had mostly understanding lecturers! Definitely recommend that, I don't even think I have the fact I'm neurodivergent on my plan it's just good for anything really if you feel like you need it!

Bre-ROPosted 20-04-2021 08:50 PM

Super practical advice @GinnyRA thank you. 


Sorry everyone for rushing to get these questions out but here is the next one (very relatable for me): 


My sensory overload often corresponds with my mental state eg. sound almost doesn't bother me at a concert when i am happy and excited but if i'm stressed or having a bad day a simple tapping noise is enough to make me cry. Is this normal because I've never really heard anyone talk about it?

Tiny_leafPosted 21-04-2021 03:06 PM

Oh no I missed this!


@GinnyRA thank you for coming on and talking to us.


Haha, I literally am a young trans autistic person with complex mental health issues and I was pinballed for ages.


@Lost_Space_Explorer5  if you ever want to talk about your sibling, feel free to tag me. Or about stimming. I'm always down to talk about stimming.


And @Autistic_Pegacorn I really like your username, welcome to the forums!

Janine-ROPosted 21-04-2021 02:14 PM

Hi all, 


Have absolutely loved reading every word of this chat - thank you so much @GinnyRA  and everyone else who shared their lived experiences , I can honestly say that this is one of my absolute favourite AMAAs of all time. Reading these posts really did fill me with so much joy, and I am really looking forward to getting stuck into some of those short films and TED talks! 


@GinnyRA  all of your words are so powerful, but these quotes especially really sung to me


My advice to an Autistic young person struggling with their mental health would be this: don’t give up. Keep taking steps forward – even small ones count. You are brave, capable and resilient. Be kind to yourself; allow yourself to make mistakes. Engage in your passions. Stim freely. Surround yourself with sensory comforts. Hug a dog or a cat. Connect with your neurokin, the Autistic community. Find professionals who "get" you. Prioritise your wellbeing always. Reach out for help whenever you need it.



There is so much power in listening to, learning from, and celebrating #ActuallyAutistic voices.  We are so lucky to have had the chance to talk to you @GinnyRA ! 


"One of the most important things you can do to support Autistic people is this: listen. Just listen to what we have to say. There are so many detrimental misconceptions about Autistic people, so rather than relying on these, I’d encourage you to access Autistic-created resources, memes, blogs, books, podcasts, films, and so on and discover the reality. Once you connect with the #ActuallyAutistic community, you’ll find we’re very welcoming and generous. Don’t talk over us; our voices are drowned out systematically in important decisions about our lives.


Accept us for exactly who we are. Embrace our authentic Autistic ways of being, including our stimming. Ask us what accommodations we need to thrive and recognise these. Respect our passions which can bring us immense joy. Celebrate our Autistic identity.



Dog Thank You GIF by MOODMAN

HozzlesPosted 20-04-2021 09:06 PM

Goodnight! I'm so hoping to (hopefully!) read some messages from people who couldn't make it tonight later! Smiley Very Happy

Bre-ROPosted 20-04-2021 09:06 PM

Goodnight everyone! Heart 

GinnyRAPosted 20-04-2021 09:05 PM

Thanks so much for having me as part of this forum. I've really enjoyed chatting with you all. My very best going forward to each of you reading this.

Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 20-04-2021 09:03 PM
Thank you so much @GinnyRA 😄 It's been a really insightful chat tonight 🙂 I hope I can keep learning more 🙂
Bre-ROPosted 20-04-2021 09:03 PM

Big love to everyone who took part tonight, shared their experiences and did so in such a vulnerable way. I'll be smiling for the rest of the evening 🙂 


HozzlesPosted 20-04-2021 09:01 PM

@GinnyRA absolutely agree with all of this! Thank you so, so much! I really enjoyed this chat! Smiley Very HappyHeart

Now time for that bath I've been looking forward to... hahaha.

Bre-ROPosted 20-04-2021 09:01 PM

@GinnyRA Once again a massive thank you from myself and the ReachOut community. More of these conversations are what is needed.


I hope that RO can facilitate a safe space for our autistic users and I want you all to know that you are valued and safe here. 


I would encourage you all to head over to Reframing Autism and soak in the goodness that is the amazing work they are doing -- incredible resources and content galore. We have been so lucky to spend this time with you Ginny!


If anything we’ve spoken about here tonight has been upsetting in any way please check in with your support network, make a thread or do some self care. 


If anyone is feeling unsafe in any way here are some resources below: 


Lifeline: 13 11 14


Kids Helpline: 1800 55 1800 or


Suicide Callback Service



Bre-ROPosted 20-04-2021 09:00 PM

I'll be taking every piece of advice you've just given @GinnyRA


I can't wait to continue learning and listening to autistic voices Heart 

GinnyRAPosted 20-04-2021 08:57 PM

I love this question and I think it's a great one to end tonight's discussion on.


One of the most important things you can do to support Autistic people is this: listen. Just listen to what we have to say. There are so many detrimental misconceptions about Autistic people, so rather than relying on these, I’d encourage you to access Autistic-created resources, memes, blogs, books, podcasts, films, and so on and discover the reality. Once you connect with the #ActuallyAutistic community, you’ll find we’re very welcoming and generous. Don’t talk over us; our voices are drowned out systematically in important decisions about our lives. Accept us for exactly who we are. Embrace our authentic Autistic ways of being, including our stimming. Ask us what accommodations we need to thrive and recognise these. Respect our passions which can bring us immense joy. Celebrate our Autistic identity.

Bre-ROPosted 20-04-2021 08:56 PM

Our last question for the evening and something I'm keen to hear about @GinnyRA 


How can I support autistic people- both generally, and those in my life?

Bre-ROPosted 20-04-2021 08:55 PM

I am so glad you have understanding lecturers and support at uni, you deserve it @Hozzles and yep my sensory overload has changed a lot since COVID. Loud passing trucks and bikes are simply intolerable to me now! 



HozzlesPosted 20-04-2021 08:53 PM

Wow I just wanted to say I relate to this question so much. ESPECIALLY during/ after COVID + lockdown/ this new age we're in! A lot of people I know have been saying they've never experienced so much sensory overload, and I definitely agree. 

GinnyRAPosted 20-04-2021 08:52 PM

Everyone – Autistic and non-autistic – has their own individual sensory profile, with sensory preferences and needs, but generally Autistic people will have much stronger sensory preferences and needs than non-autistic people, which can impact their day-to-day existence in significant ways. It is well understand among the Autistic community that our sensory responses will vary according to our mental state. When we’re happy and relaxed or excited, we may be able to tolerate more sensory input than we might usually. But when we’re anxious, we may become hypersensitive to sensory input. For me, noise and light can become intolerable when I’m stressed, and I will need to retreat to my darkened bedroom and wrap myself tightly in my doona.


Accept that your sensory needs will fluctuate and act accordingly. Also keep in mind that just because you recoil from certain sensory imput, e.g., whirring machine noise, this does not mean that you recoil from all sound. There’s nuance to what we can tolerate. Our sensory profiles are just as complex as the rest of us!

Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 20-04-2021 08:30 PM
Ugh emergency rooms suck 😞 I think it's something that needs to be improved for everyone. They can be plain dangerous, with people getting angry and throwing things. I guess that's the best we got at the moment though 😞

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