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Coping with Covid in Adelaide

Hi everyone!


With many of us Adelaideans going into lockdown over the next week I just wanted to send out my support to anyone who may be struggling or worried about the situation.


Although the situation is unfortunate and has certainly come as a shock, since we were doing so well and starting to get back into our normal routines, with just a little bit of luck we should be through it all within a week or so. With some sacrifice now we set ourselves up to be in a good place just around the corner and certainly before Christmas. That way we can all celebrate the holiday together! The Melbournians made it through their lockdown so we certainly can too!


I hope everyone is staying safe and making the most of the situation however possible. I know I will be doing a lot of gardening, reading and playing of my guitar. I would love to hear what everyone else is up to regardless of where you live Smiley Happy


Best wishes to everyone and I hope you all have a great week! Smiley Happy






Guitarman97Posted 19-11-2020 01:27 PM


Wolfie_Posted 23-11-2020 09:57 AM
Hi @Guitarman97 sounds like you guys handled it extremely well and that youre already on the other end of it. Im from Melbourne and wish we had done that and didnt wait to get 700 cases a day to get put into a lock down. I guess from now its all about management and doing small and harsh lockdowns to avoid a situation like Melbourne went through. Regardless, hope youre doing okay and you made it through!
Guitarman97Posted 29-11-2020 03:57 PM

Hey @Wolfie_ 

Sorry for the late reply, it has been an extremely busy week at work with us trying to catch up on the days we lost due to the brief lockdown. We sure did handle it well, very proud of everyone.

The Melbourne situation was certainly a big case of hindsight and it would seem that the South Australian authorities have learnt from that so perhaps we have you guys to thank Smiley Tongue

Anyways, thankyou for your kind words, I hope you're doing well also! Smiley Happy

Wolfie_Posted 30-11-2020 09:24 AM
Im so happy to see youre already out of it ! very proud of everyone in SA 🙂
sunnygirl606Posted 20-11-2020 08:39 PM

You all from SA will make it through! Just listen to the advice and obey the laws and before you know it, you will be back out! Heart 

From a Melbournian Smiley Very Happy

November13Posted 19-11-2020 02:42 PM

Hang in there South Australians! I'm sure you got this Heart 

Maddy-ROPosted 19-11-2020 02:03 PM

Hey @Guitarman97 


Great post. Thanks for creating it. I'm sure many of the people from our community will benefit from it, especially those from South Australia.


From what I've gathered from telly, the number of people affected isn't overly big is it? Like, not as bad as Melbourne was at one point. So, hopefully, like you said, it will be over with sooner rather than later! I'm from Melbourne and it was tough but I am so glad that we did it now because the numbers are so much lower.


Hang in there South Australians!!! We're here if you need our support Smiley Happy

Guitarman97Posted 20-11-2020 10:18 AM

Hey @Maddy-RO


Thanks for your kind words and yes thats exactly right! Just a few handful of cases so its entirely a preventative measure. No new cases yesterday so its looking well!

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