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Wellbeing Wednesday: Appreciating the world around us - 30 January 2019

Wellbeing Wednesday Activity - Appreciating the world around us


This week we are talking about Appreciating the world around us


This activity will encourage you to connect with your environment, take some time to appreciate nature, and give you an opportunity to reflect back on your experience.



The activity...:

Step 1: Take 5 mins to walk around your environment (by environment we mean where ever you are at the moment, or a place that where you feel comfortable). Look closely around you for things you may not have noticed before. 

Step 2: Find something in your environment that really resonates with you- it might be somewhere you have found beauty, warmth or interest in something you haven't seen before, or it might be something that makes you smile. 


Step 3: Take a photo of it and post it here, or write a description of what you have found in your environment and why you were drawn to that particular thing.


Guiding principles for this exercise:

1. Remember to stay anonymous- make sure that any photos can not be identified. Please don't post photos of people Smiley Happy

2. Make sure your photo or description is your own

3. Get creative and have fun! 


For more Wellbeing Wednesday activities, check out this thread here

Jess1-ROPosted 30-01-2019 03:18 PM


N1ghtW1ngPosted 02-02-2019 02:02 PM
Also, @Bee @gina-RO, @Saltwaterdreamtime I LOVE the photos you shared! They are amazing!! Thank you for sharing them 🙂
Esperanza67Posted 03-02-2019 11:59 AM

It may be Sunday but I guess it's never too late to share the beauty of the world around us 🙂


This was a picture that I took a few days ago as I was looking into the sunset outside my room and right at the moment I took the photo, two birds came flying into the sky! It was a pretty surreal moment for me 😄


Jess1-ROPosted 04-02-2019 09:59 AM

Over the weekend, I did this activity at home. I came across this flower. What really stood out to me was how vibrant it is. Most years we don't get this level of colour in these flowers, so it was a real treat to see this flower thriving HeartIMG_6521.jpg

BeePosted 30-01-2019 09:43 PM

@Jess1-RO firstly that gif is AH-MAZING!!!! I can't help but stare at it! Heart


So as one of my top strengths is the appreciation of beauty I really loved this exercise! I will admit I spent way more time than 5 minutes on this, I got so engrossed okay 😛


Firstly is this resilient little guy. We've had a lot of 40 degree days recently in the heat wave and all the flowers are either dead or very badly dehydrated. So I was quite amazed when I went to photograph some cacti and found this little guy in one of the hanging pots outside. Absolutely so pretty! Of course, I have no idea what flower it actually is 😛




In addition to this, I also found some small dandelions on some tall weeds. I have always loved the look of dandelions and have always wanted to photograph some, this is my second time around photographing them, so I thought I'd share these little ones with you all 🙂



Ps. I'm sorry this was so long but I absolutely couldn't choose between the two! Out of the 20 odd photos I took Smiley LOL

annabethxchasePosted 31-01-2019 07:44 AM
@Bee wow!! Your photography is AH-MA-ZING, I love them all but the intricate-ness (idk...words...) of the dandelions are like, so impressive 🙂
BeePosted 01-02-2019 01:57 PM
@annabethxchase @gina-RO thank you both! Photography is a passion and hobby for me - I love capturing pretty moments!

Gina; those trees and their shadows are AMAZING! Heart
At first, I thought you wrote fringes and I'm like yeah I could see that one someone's head, and I just realised FINGERS Smiley LOL hahaha

Does anyone else have a photo to share or maybe an explanation about something that resonated with them lately?
gina-ROPosted 01-02-2019 02:40 PM

haha fringes and fingers!!! @Bee Smiley Very Happy



@Saltwaterdreamtime  - do you want to give this week's activity a go?? 

BeePosted 01-02-2019 03:42 PM
haha I thought I was pretty funny @gina-RO 😛

@Saltwaterdreamtime that beach looks sooo good! Hope surfing was enjoyable 🙂
SaltwaterdreamtimePosted 01-02-2019 02:54 PM

The beach a couple of days ago when heading out for a surf B22BAFD7-7B94-4246-BB18-6B589C86D02E.jpeg



gina-ROPosted 01-02-2019 03:28 PM

Those colours are so great @Saltwaterdreamtime. Love that. 


Let us know if you decide to go on a "beauty hunting" walk again soon, and what you come across! 


SaltwaterdreamtimePosted 01-02-2019 03:41 PM
The waves were pretty good that day @gina-RO
gina-ROPosted 01-02-2019 12:40 PM

@Bee - such cool photos ! I love how you take such detailed, close- up shots. Stunning.


I went for a walk yesterday and saw these awesome trees - they remind me of long fingers, and the shadows they cast are so interesting. 🙂 



lennycat2017Posted 02-02-2019 01:20 PM
@gina-RO these remind me of the whomping willows from HP!
N1ghtW1ngPosted 02-02-2019 02:02 PM
So I might never get around to actually doing this, because I don't take my phone or camera on walks, but I do love taking some time to look up at the clouds and see what shapes they're making. Plus around dusk (not dawn, because I'm never awake :P) seeing the way the sky changes colours and what colours I can pick out and see.
litgymPosted 30-01-2019 06:36 PM

looking forward to doing this tomorrow !! 🙂 

love the ideaHeart @Jess1-RO

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