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Wellbeing Wednesday- Living our Community Values

Wellbeing Wednesday- Living our community values


This Wellbeing Wednesday is all about values and how we live our values in our interactions with the world around us, on and off the forums. 


There are many values out there around us. While many focus on different parts of life, several values overlap. Here at ReachOut we have six core values that we follow, Courage, Compassion, Generosity, Inclusiveness, Responsibility and Fun. These values embody what Reachout forums stands for and what is important to us. 



Step 1: Go to the community values page here

Step 2: Pick a value that is important to you

Sept 3: Post here to tell us

- How do you show this value on the forums?

- How do you show this value off the forums in your daily interactions with the world around you?

- Are there other values important in your life that you would like to share? 


We can’t wait to hear how you live values in the forums community and in offline worlds Heart


Jess1-ROPosted 13-02-2019 03:35 PM


N1ghtW1ngPosted 10-03-2019 07:30 PM

I could've sworn I replied to this one... or maybe I'm mixing it up with the strengths one in my head.
Better late than never! 😛


The value that would be important to me is a tie between Honesty and Fun. Of course they're ALL important, and it's so hard to choose but I think honesty is important and so is fun and having fun and enjoying yourself! 😄


(yep, going to answer these questions for both)
How do I show this value on the forums?
Fun! There's a reason I always spam Games when I come online 😛 It's because I love the Games section! It's so much fun, and it's important to have fun too 🙂

Honesty! I do this through the Wellbeing Threads, being honest about how I'm feeling, but (leading back to fun) still trying to be positive. 


How do you show this value off the forums in your daily interactions with the world around you?

Fun! CARTOONS EVERYWHERE! 😛 I don't really interaction with the world around me... kind of a have no one but that doesn't stop me from trying to stay positive and enjoy the little things.

Honesty! Honesty is important and I try to uphold that. 


Are there other values important in your life that you would like to share? 

Um... can't really think of any? Just... being nice. Nice things. Don't be mean, those values. 

BeePosted 17-02-2019 10:34 PM

I saw this and I wanted to come and post in this thread! Such a great idea! @Jess1-RO


How do I pick just one value!? I think Courage and Compassion stand out for me as being important to me

- How do you show this value on the forums?

I think I show courage by being open about my experiences both when seeking help and providing peer support to others. It's not always easy to share your story and one thing that I found really helpful for me when I first joined was having mods sharing their story while supporting me, it gave me hope that I too could recover and get to a positive point in my life. The compassion that I found in RO warms my heart everyday! I don't think words can describe the effect the compassion has on people that is displayed here every single day!



- How do you show this value off the forums in your daily interactions with the world around you?

Ooh, this one is harder; I think I display courage by getting up each day and continuing to live my life despite my challenges - my mental health, my foot recovery, and other things.

Compassion is super easy for me if I see someone who looks a little down or needing a talk, I'm keen to smile at them and start up a conversation if it feels right. I'm the person who will see someone short struggling to get something off the top shelf and I'll try to help them, whether it be sharing my tactics for reaching the top shelf items or assisting them, I'm there. For me, I feel like my compassion also includes inclusivity, a person is a person no matter who they are, so if I see an Indian lady rocking her cultural outfit and I am drawn to the beauty of it, I say so. I'm looking out of awe as it's so beautiful, and striking up that conversation, making that comment that I love their outfit brings a smile to their face! And there's nothing I love more than seeing someone smile! 🙂


- Are there other values important in your life that you would like to share? 

Other values which are important are honesty, inclusiveness (RO Value too!) and being genuine 🙂

scared01Posted 13-02-2019 07:47 PM
i really like all our values on RO and i use them quite often as second nature offline too.
The one that i will pick though is inclusiveness

How do you show this value on the forums?
i always try to include people, i have found that when people are included in things it helps with those feelings of being unwanted, lonliness and isolation which is usually quite a common theme amongst those with mental and/or physical health issues. So by doing that, i find it helps to give people a smile even just for a short while and sometimes that can make a world of difference to someone.

How do you show this value off the forums?

i pretty much do the same, i invite others to events, try to include them in conversations, and brainstorm ideas for some things im involved with (but i cant share here). Again i find it gives people a smile and a sense of meaning too.

are there other values?

Along with the RO values i also have respect and kindness as my values.
N1ghtW1ngPosted 10-03-2019 07:35 PM
@scared01 inclusiveness is such an important value, you do so amazingly welcoming everyone to the forums and just being an awesomely amazing person 😄

@Bee you show such amazing courage and compassion, I could say it a million times over how awesome you are and that you are, for sure, a freaking fantastic human being 😉
BeePosted 11-03-2019 05:13 PM
@N1ghtW1ng oh you made me smile when I saw this Heart
You are one incredibly amazing person yourself.
I am not surprised that fun and honesty tie for you. You know how to find and bring the fun to light 🙂

Welcome back!

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