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Is it just me



someone said to me today “you don’t have to hang out with me if you don’t want to “ is this them saying they don’t want me to hang out with them or is that just me acting crazy 

Lonelyboy17Posted 05-03-2019 05:28 PM


scared01Posted 07-03-2019 12:06 PM
hi @Lonelyboy17
just checking in to see how your going?
spacejamPosted 05-03-2019 06:21 PM

Hey @Lonelyboy17 I don't think you're acting crazy at all, the things people say may not always have a double meaning. Is this a close friend or someone new in your life? In what context did it happen?

I actually say this sometimes with my close friends just in case they're tired from work/uni. We respect each other's decisions if we're not feeling up to it that particular day. There's a mutual understanding and then we reconnect later on in the week Smiley Happy Does this sound like your situation?

Lonelyboy17Posted 05-03-2019 06:32 PM
Hey space jam ,I have known this person for couple years and she is a good friend , the situation went down like this I was walking around with her and we were chatting and then all of a sudden she just said that I don’t have to hang out with her if I don’t want to .
spacejamPosted 05-03-2019 06:38 PM

Hmm, I can see why you thought she said it all of a sudden. How did you feel when she said that? Have you tried to talk to her again and ask her about it?

Lonelyboy17Posted 05-03-2019 06:41 PM
Well when she said that I felt like she didn’t want me hanging round her so I went and hanged around my other friends , and no I haven’t tried talking to her since .
spacejamPosted 05-03-2019 06:47 PM

It's good to hear that you have other friends to support you and hang out with. Do you think it would help clear it up if you spoke to her about it? 

xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 05-03-2019 06:52 PM
I wish I had more friends. My only friend turned on me. Now I suffer from physical and emotional pain.
Andrea-ROPosted 05-03-2019 07:01 PM

Hey @xXLexi_Lou122Xx , 


I noticed that you are posting a lot on different threads about how you are having a tough time at the moment. I think it might be a good idea if you started your own thread in the tough times section, that way people will be able to help you more specifically 🙂 

xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 05-03-2019 07:12 PM

I guess you're right. But in this case, I was intending that I understand most of the situation.

Lonelyboy17Posted 05-03-2019 06:51 PM
yeah I’m not sure I don’t know I don’t want to start any arguments , it makes me sad though cause she is a good friend , I guess not all friendships last , I think I’ll just stop hanging around her and just leave it be .
scared01Posted 05-03-2019 07:37 PM
hi @Lonelyboy17
im sorry to hear about your friendship situation, SpaceJam has given some good advice.
can i ask does the friend who said that to you have other friends?
the reason i ask is perhaps shes feeling quite down and insecure about herself ie- 'am i worth having friends' Becasue youve said its out of the blue, im also thinking it might not be in her nature to push others away and is trying to cope with something?
Lonelyboy17Posted 05-03-2019 07:47 PM
Hey man thanks , yeah she does have friends I think I’m going to talk to her to get the bottom of this .
spacejamPosted 05-03-2019 09:50 PM

Let us know how you go with the chat, hopefully it goes well Smiley Happy 

Lonelyboy17Posted 06-03-2019 08:06 PM
Hey sorry for late reply the chat went well I think , she said we are still friends and she said she just felt like I was on her toes a bit much , she also said something that didn’t really make sense to me , she said she doesn’t like people in her life constantly , what does it mean when someone says they don’t like people in there life constantly .
spacejamPosted 12-03-2019 10:43 AM

Hey @Lonelyboy17 just checking to see how you’re going? 

spacejamPosted 07-03-2019 07:19 PM

Hey @Lonelyboy17 well done on having a chat with your friend, these kinds of conversations can be hard sometimes and that took a lot of courage on your part. I think @WheresMySquishy made a good point, some people do need to 'recharge' and be alone for a little bit. Whereas others 'recharge' by being with others. Maybe that is what she meant when she says she doesn't like people in her life constantly? You could possibly ask her what she meant by that, does that sound like something she would respond to? 


How did you feel after having the chat with your friend? 

BeePosted 07-03-2019 09:01 PM
Hey @Lonelyboy17 good job on talking to your friend! I can hear that it took some courage, we're so proud of you! Heart
I think @WheresMySquishy and @spacejam have it on point about some people recharging in different ways.

I think ultimately your friend is the best person to ask what they mean by what they day. Sometimes we might say one thing would could be interpreted as one thing when they could have meant the opposite (does that make sense?)

Either way I'm so proud to hear you reached out and spoke to your friend! 🙂
WheresMySquishyPosted 07-03-2019 12:23 AM

Hi @Lonelyboy17, what she said might have sounded hurtful but remember, it's not your fault. Some people need to take a break and 'recharge' after socialising and she could be one of them. It definitely doesn't sound like you did anything to upset her. I hope that you can still be friends and support each other. Smiley Happy

xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 06-03-2019 09:12 PM
I don't actually know @Lonelyboy17.
I guess with the current situation I'm in, She is saying that she needs some space. Or she just doesn't want to hurt your feelings, but she may not want to be your friend...
But let's not get to that point shall we?
That's how I interpreted it.
I am not a great person at solving problems like this, so I suggest going to see someone you trust, and telling them about it. That's the best I can do. @spacejam might have some better ideas. I am still here for you if you need. I'll always listen, and give my best advice.
scared01Posted 05-03-2019 07:49 PM
that sounds like a good idea @lonleyboy17
i hope the chat goes well and you can move forward as friends even if your not as close as you once were.
xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 05-03-2019 08:18 PM
I agree. I also suggest, if you can't find the solution to this issue, talk to someone you trust.

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