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My crush likes my best friend

I know this sounds silly but i have been crying the last 5 hours because the boy I like has feelings for my best friend 😞 like i only would go to school to see him he is also one of my best friends aswell my friends promised not to get with him but i know she probably will anyways like i feel as i lost a big part of me today and also that might be the reason he hasnt been talking to me much in the past week please someone what do i do im so silly to be crying over a stupid boy but i have nothing else but him 😞

Ur_momPosted 17-01-2023 12:05 AM


KitsunePosted 27-07-2023 05:14 PM

I had two friends like that, A liked B who like C, and AC were friends. Turns out A cried like, a lot, but she decided not to like B anymore, and C refused B's advances really entirely. And now AC are really good friends and they avoid B together.

Friends would pick friends.

Livvy_GoldPosted 13-07-2023 09:08 PM

hey, this has happened to me actually today. my friends sat with my crushes and asked them out right in front of me just to make me sad. i was really upset and annoyed, and I have befriended them. i just want to let you know that we are here for you. I'm not sure how long you have liked this person but I do know what it feels like when this happens. what I would say to do is keep pushing through this and you can do it. it will take a while and it will be hard work but I do hope you are better by now 🙂 

Turquoise_SwanPosted 29-04-2023 01:49 PM

Hey, sorry I know this might seem like the end of the world, however, sometimes the universe needs to push people out of your life in strange ways. I know they are one of your best friends, however, if you really meant the same she meant to you, this would have never happened the way it did. I know its hard to look at things in such a positive way right now but sometimes these things need to happen, and one day you might look back and understand that this needed to happen for reasons you cannot understand right now. If it makes you feel a little bit better, this happens to a lot more people than you think it would, im sure that these people could give you better advice than I am, but I am sorry that this had to happen to you. I hope all is well, and this helped shed a little light on your dark 5 hours. 

ashhPosted 26-04-2023 07:59 PM

He's not worth it. I know you'll probably hear it a lot but trust me. I've felt the same for so many guys before. Looking back at how much I cried. It's so normal. Try focus on hobbies or something that makes you happy instead of a stupid boy. Treat yourself, you deserve it. Keep your chin up b we're here for u.

GerardGAYPosted 21-04-2023 02:15 AM


Courtney-ROPosted 17-01-2023 08:36 PM

Hey @Ur_mom I'm sorry to hear that you're going through this right now. Hearing that your crush likes someone else is hard enough but knowing its your best friend is incredibly hurtful. I can hear how much pain your in right now and just want to say that it's okay to feel this way. You should never feel silly for feeling though, as all feelings are valid. 


I know it's been a little while since you posted this, so I just wanted to check in with you and ask how you're feeling now? With so much going on, I was wondering what supports you have around you right now. Is there anyone you might feel comfortable talking to about this? 


You also mentioned that you have nothing else but him and while its not the same, I wanted to remind you that you still have us too! We're all here for you and love having you as part of the community 💜

Ur_momPosted 17-01-2023 10:48 PM

its still really hard and all today i had no motivation to do anything 😞

juicy-peanutsPosted 12-04-2023 08:32 PM

hey, keep your head up. trust me, you'll find a lot better. your crush sounds like a douchebag anyway and you're a lovely sweet person. you can do A LOT better, trust me. remember, you're gorgeous and worth it🫶

Courtney-ROPosted 17-01-2023 11:44 PM

Thank you for getting back to us @Ur_mom I'm really sorry to hear that you're experiencing this. It really is such a orrible situation to be in. Have you been able to talk to your best friend about this at all and share how it has made you feel?


Is anyone else aware of how you've been feeling? If you would ever like to talk to someone, I just want to say that Kidshelpline is always available via both phone and webchat. 


Is there something nice you might be able to do for yourself tonight to get your mind off things, even just for a little while? We have a great article on self-care, if you are up for a bit of a read. I wonder if it might give you some ideas on things you could do.


Thinking of you 💜

Ur_momPosted 18-01-2023 12:20 AM

Yeah thanks i dont have anyone to tell because i dont have any other friends and my mum will tell me not to be sad probaly because im not even meant to date people untill i have told her and because i havent told her i like him and she might not trust me because i am meant to let her know

Blake_ROPosted 18-01-2023 12:36 PM

Hey @Ur_mom 

How are you feeling today?


It sounds like yesterday was very difficult for you and It's great that you were able to reach out for some support.

I know that you mentioned that you don't have any other friends to talk to about this and was wondering if there were any opportunities for you to make some or meet some new people in your community? If you're interested, we have a collection on friendships  with some articles about making friends and meeting new people. We also have a thread on loneliness that has a lot of great resources and articles that I thought could be helpful to have a look through if you're interested. 


I was also wondering if you were able to use anything from the article that @Courtney-RO provided or if you reached out to Kids helpline?


Remember that we are all here to listen and support you through this and you aren't alone! 

Ur_momPosted 18-01-2023 10:20 PM

Im feeling a little better then yesterday today i went out shopping and that distracted me for a bit i did try to get in touch with kids helpline last night but i accidently feel asleep because it was like 2am and it was a long wait so ill try again probaly tommorow😀 

Bre-ROPosted 19-01-2023 11:52 AM

Hey @Ur_mom👋 good on you for getting out and about yesterday - I always find shopping a nice distraction. What are your favourite stores to visit? 


I'm sorry to read you didn't get through to the kid's helpline. It sounds like you needed the rest, though, which is important! Hope you had a restful sleep 😊


How are you feeling today? We're here to chat if you need a distraction today. 

Ur_momPosted 19-01-2023 09:51 PM

I love going to the opshops and also getting bubble tea thats what i did yesterday but today i just stayed at home and did some cleaning but i am starting to try make myself to not like him anymore and it might be starting to work 🙂

Sally_ROPosted 20-01-2023 01:37 PM

Hi @Ur_mom , those sound like some really fun activities to take your mind off everything going on! It sounds like you are starting to process the situation, and are making a start to move on. 

We are always here to talk when you need 😊

Ur_momPosted 29-01-2023 10:39 PM

I took some advice and turns out he doesnt like my bff because i was talking to him in person. then asked if I liked him but i said no bc i didnt want things To be weird. as i  was sleepingover but as he stood up he said idc is you friend zone me so i think he likes me im going to ask him soon should i tho bc idk if i should and he hasnt responded to me latley bc he mum took his phone.

Should i ask him?

niawithluvPosted 17-01-2023 04:31 PM

Hi @Ur_mom


This sounds like an incredibly emotionally taxing situation and I'm terribly sorry that you're going through this.


I'd like to start off by saying that it's not stupid to be crying. He sounds like he is a very important person to you and that you have a strong connection to him. I mean, I know that I have cried over a few boys myself and I wouldn't say that it's a thing to be ashamed about at all. Is a friendship with him still something you're hoping to pursue? 


I wonder if talking to him might clear things up or give you a chance to explain what you're feeling if that's something you're comfortable with? (I understand that might be daunting but it might be helpful). 


I really hope things work out for you x







Ur_momPosted 17-01-2023 10:50 PM

He doesnt know i like him or anything it was my friend that told me he liked her and i want to be friends with him but i have noticed the last week he has been not replying much but talking to her constanly and she also has a bf but idk i think i missed my chance in november because thats before they met

niawithluvPosted 18-01-2023 01:55 PM

Ah, I see. That certainly is rather stressful and I can sympathise with feeling as if you've missed your chance.


I think that Courtney's advice of taking some time to indulge in self-care might be useful to you. Sometimes it's just better to focus on taking care of yourself and enjoying your own company just to leave what's bothering you behind for a bit  ❤️ 


In relation to him being distant, I think asking him if there's a reason for that might be able to give you guys a chance to discuss and get back to the friendship you had before this unravelled. 


Hope you're feeling better today x




Ur_momPosted 18-01-2023 10:22 PM

Thanks I did try some selfcare today and was distracted whilst doing it 😀

niawithluvPosted 19-01-2023 03:30 PM

Fantastic! I'm super pleased to hear that! I'm hoping you're feeling much better today 

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