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5 random things about you!

It's time for 5 random things! Man Very Happy

Let's try and make it as random as possible.


1. Peppermint icecream is the best! I wish I could eat peppermint icecream for breakfast lunch and dinner

2. While my hair is boring-brown now, over the years my hair has been blonde, black, red, purple, blue, green, yellow, orange, pink.

3. I love walruses!!!!!

4. Being at the beach makes me the happiest

5. I love fantasy books (and movies) Tolkien and Ursula Le Guin are my favs


Sophie-ROPosted 19-07-2012 05:36 PM

Comments (41 pages)

ChuckPosted 14-08-2013 04:31 PM

1. I'm a multi-genred music producer

2. I love art museums

3. I named my first pet dog, 'Charmander'

4. My favourite colour is royal blue

5. I like to move it, move it.

DorisPosted 16-08-2013 02:43 PM
Hey @Chuck

Welcome to RO. #5, is that a reference to the song in the film Madagascar?
ChuckPosted 20-08-2013 09:48 PM

Haha, yes!. But I do love dancing like a dork, when no one is looking!. Smiley LOL

lokifishPosted 16-08-2013 04:24 PM

@heyitscleo Dan and Phil are AWESOME! 😄 And I really disliked Gangnam style as well, especially the dance...

P.S. I keep thinking that your posts are mine whenever I read them. High five for having the same avatar though! 😛


@Jay-Dee I never knew what it was called, so thanks for that 🙂 I love learning the names of random things.

Jay-DeePosted 14-08-2013 08:28 PM

@heyitscleo & @Doris the ~ is called 'Tilde'.

heyitscleoPosted 09-08-2013 11:00 PM

1~ My favprite keypad symbol is the  ~~~  thingy

2~ I previously had bright teal hair

3~ Popular people scare me Cat Indifferent

4~ I'm addicted to danisnotonfire and AmazingPhil

5~ Gangnam style was never a good song in my opinion ...

DorisPosted 11-08-2013 05:25 AM

Welcome to RO! That ~~ is pretty cool hey. I just gotta remember to press SHIFT, otherwise I kept getting ```, which doesnt look too special. See you around the forums!
VulcanPosted 19-07-2013 10:39 AM

5 random things...well...that's the equivalent to my very normal hobbies ^_^


1. I collect snow globes 🙂 I'm currently at seventysomething so far 😄 


2. I love, love love loveee ancient Greek mythology! I hope to one day go to Greece and study it :3 


3. I'm really good at emotional intelligence and body language, so I can be all sherlock on people and profile them hehe


4. I have a tick shaped scar on my hand, and one on my bottom lip that no one notices


5. I love making up really weird and random food/drink combinations and can never follow a recipie 😄 I've made purple pancakes before! 

DorisPosted 01-08-2013 05:32 PM

@Vulcan - Welcome. Love your random #5. Purple pancakes, what creativity!


@Doni99 - Interesting insights. For #8, have you tried approaching the guy and maybe apologizing? Bullying can have negative effects on all people involved. Have a read of this fact sheet -


@Michele   - guinea pigs are cool hey? They get so excited in each other's company. I could watch them popcorn around all day  

Doni99Posted 01-08-2013 09:00 PM

Yo doris.... OOOOPS! I thought u were talking about number 4 of my "Random things about me" post! Sozzz

About the bullying thing... I didn't really bully him, although i used the word, i pretty much annoyed him and said not leave me alone cuz he likes talking to me alot (in others words, liked me) and he was kinda going into my nerves, i wouldn't consider it bullying because i didn't swear at him, hurt his feelings by anyway, i just told me him back off, in a jokingly way 😛

I ain't a horrible bully! We don't talk anymore now cuz there is nothing else to talk! Not because he thinks i bullied him or anything! 😄

Thanks for the face sheet, it actually helped me identify what is bullying because MANY people bullied me, although they don't know they did.  SIGH.

SO yeah, thanks for putting it up and i hope u understand! 😄


Doni99Posted 01-08-2013 08:47 PM

@Moris ~ Hey, bro u got it wrong! I wasn't bullying the guy. I like him! LOL i wrote love letters to him and we both liked each other and I thought by writng these, it will help us get together! ;D lol :d

Doni99Posted 24-07-2013 07:03 PM

Gonna be a rule breaker and go for ten!

1) I get angry when no one believes me, even when i say something true (proably because I lie alot.... 😄 )

2) I'm a jerk and my family knows that

3) I can be selfish but it's decreasing at the moment

4) I stalked this person once and when i left, I wrote a letter to the person and said it was me.

5) I used to write diaries but i stopped when i realised my secrets were too deadly to be writen

6) I nearly went to detention with my friend in primary school (year 6), apparently... i was innocent and 'good' and the teacher didn't belive my friend when she snitched thatt i threw sticks at some jerks in year one. She went to detention though and was sooo annoyed/jealous at me!

7) My fingers hurt of typing so much.

😎 In year four, i bullied a annoying guy and now he goes to my highschool and does not speak to me!. 🙂

9) I got feak looking NIKE shoes and I seriosuly love them!!

10) My fashion style is all over the place, I might wear a dress if i feel like it or i would wear my cool shoes, my baggy bright green jeans, crazy patterned white shirt with a sliver boy chain.  

PiercedPosted 12-07-2013 01:59 PM
Nope, but I have many friends who do 😉
-lemurlibs21-Posted 12-07-2013 10:32 AM



1) I recently got my first tattoo - it's feathers in the shape of the ED recovery symbol as I've had one for 7 years and hope one day it won't affect me 24/7.

2) I think music is my biggest healer and friend.

3) My favourite animals are penguins and cats. I'm slowly trying to persuade my mum to get a kitten (we already have a cat).

4) One of my favourite hobbies is going to music gigs or just dancing about the house.

5) I've labelled every cupboard in the kitchen (using my own labelling machine) saying where everything is SUPPOSED to go, not that people pay attention to them anymore.




DorisPosted 12-07-2013 11:45 AM
Hey lemurlibs

I really wanted a tattoo but I want an artist that wont stuff up. I see you own a cat too. There is a cat theme going around the forums.
DorisPosted 12-07-2013 11:43 AM
Hey Pierced

Do you draw anime too?
PiercedPosted 11-07-2013 09:34 AM

1. I have recently returned to my old love of anime.


2. I like it when my cat licks my nose.


3. I want a pet spider.


4. I need to pee right now.


5. I like to collect stupid things like paper, business cards, pens, cotton and other things like that 

ShadowInTheDarkPosted 30-06-2013 08:53 PM

hmmmm random things... what randomness can i insert here in this comment?

1. I love penguins <(")
2. I love maths and science and people think i'm weird because of that haha 
3. I love to read and write and my favourite site to share stories on is Wattpad 🙂

4. i have 2 pet lambs that think that i'm their mother :3 

5. I broke my collarbone when i was 5 because a fat kid tackled me. He was trying to get the popcorn off me... but the thing was, i didn't even have the popcorn with me haha.

I hope you all enjoyed reading those 5 random facts about me 😄 xx

Missy B
Missy BPosted 25-06-2013 11:59 PM

Here goes nothing..


1. My best friend and I refer to each other as 'Potato'

2.  I am very weird

3. I am obsessed with Adventure Time

4. I wear way too much black

5. I like food 😛

leaPosted 22-06-2013 03:59 PM
1) I am a single mother to a beautiful 10 month old son
2) I'm a bit of a crazy cat lady, with out having copious amounts of cats lol (though one is epileptic)
3) I'm lazy! I will stay in my pjs until after noon if I have nothing to do outside the house
4) I'm obsessed with the Beatles, would infact marry ringo Starr if he were 45yrs younger.
5) I'm afraid of heights... And having water on my face :S
Jay-DeePosted 22-06-2013 09:41 PM
Welcome to RO, lea 😄

I am a crazy cat lady who would live in my pjs if I could and loves the Beatles 🙂
MicahPosted 12-06-2013 08:38 PM

1. Im really good at hulla hooping (if thats a word)

2. I love anime

3. before i leave a mirror i pull a face 

4. i love drama and acting

5. im afraid of birds, seguls in paticular (they attacted me for my chips when i was 5 😛 )

smlewisPosted 11-06-2013 02:53 AM

Smiley EmbarassedI get embarassed, yet try to be open

Smiley WinkI FLIRT

Smiley FrustratedI have Dwain Syndrome

Smiley TongueI love being a smart a@@ and am joking alot to make up for my insecurities.

Smiley SurprisedI hate certain things about my body due to my way of up bringing, yet love to be naked.

N1ghtW1ngPosted 11-06-2013 09:43 AM

@smlewis beign a smart a@@ is fun, I have to agree with you there. 🙂

csu-clairePosted 06-06-2013 02:47 PM

1. 2 months ago i had my gallbladder removed 

2. i used to SH 

3. i meet my bf when i was 7- we group up together and then i lost contact with him then after 2 years we remeet at my mums part and started dating- its been almost 3 years now 

4. i love horses yet am alergic to them 

5. am am from Sydney yet live in Wagga Wagga for uni Smiley Tongue


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