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5 random things about you!
It's time for 5 random things!
Let's try and make it as random as possible.
1. Peppermint icecream is the best! I wish I could eat peppermint icecream for breakfast lunch and dinner
2. While my hair is boring-brown now, over the years my hair has been blonde, black, red, purple, blue, green, yellow, orange, pink.
3. I love walruses!!!!!
4. Being at the beach makes me the happiest
5. I love fantasy books (and movies) Tolkien and Ursula Le Guin are my favs
Heylo, here’s five random stuff about me!
1) I’m like 16 and watched a barbie movie with my family! (ANYONE SURPRISED?!)
2) Today so far I ate KFC (chicken burger and fries), a fan of Sunkist, a yogurt container, rasin bread with western star butter, raspberry juice, water and ur.. milk with some sort of energy powder.
3) When I work out, while listening to music, I imagine myself dancing hip hop, showing off those cake faces who think big of em!
4) I need to go to the bathroom now… ahhah wait why am I saying this? dude I need a life!
5) Ummm I have a friend how is a scab, depends on me and looks at my bag to see what food I got for the day!
Hey Doni99
Welcome onboard!
I am 21 and I watch Barbie and Disney movies all the time. In fact I saw Brave and Wreck it Ralph in cinemas and cried like a baby.
I couldn't tell apart the taste of Fanta and Sunkist. I work at Maccas with a KFC on the same compound. I have customers coming in and asking for a Pepsi Max (McDonald's = Coca Cola, KFC = Pepsi), I have this urge to tell them "Mate, KFC is next door." Then I had this customer coming in to maccas and asking for a double Whopper. It's good to have a laugh 🙂
2) got so much gel in my hair it sticks to bed head
3) can't wear matching socks
4) 10 days to I get braces on 😕
5) I wear Monday to Sunday undies
Hey Corkey
Welcome to the forums 🙂 Cookies & cream icecream is the best! And that's awesome that you have Monday to Sunday undies!
Hope we see you around more!
2. I have a fear... Of seaweed. I don't mind if there's just a little bit or if it's floating in the water or if someone throws it at me (seaweed fights ftw) but when theres lots of it on the sea bed I can't walk on it or swim over it, otherwise I freak out 😛
3. I don't normally like cooked vegetables, I like them raw.
4. I'm nocturnal.
5. I love cup stacking and I reeeaaaaally want some speed stack cups, like so bad.
- im socially awkward.
- i prefer animals over people
- I want to be a prof. body piercer.
- i dye my hair alotttttt.
- i never wear shoes.
Animals are awesome compared to people, just like Doris said, they are also understanding (most of the time) I dislike shoes too, I am almost always barefooted. 🙂
I also like animals, they don't judge and hardly ever suffer from mood swings so no unwarrented tandrums from them 🙂
What colour do you usually dye your hair in?
The bare-feet trend is getting rather popular. I have seen uni students walking around the campus with no shoes. What do you do when it is raining or when it is freezing?
BTW, welcome to the RO forums 🙂
Random Facts about me:
- I have hazel green eyes
- I love every type of music
- I trail motorbikes
- I have a fear of worms
- I'm addicted to art
2. My cat George is like my brother
3. I often worry
4. I don't like people looking at my art
5. I have green eyes
Cool stuff you've got there. I assume you and your cat are close? My dog is my baby, I keep telling my dad that, but he always refer my dog as "my sister" *screams in frustration*
I worry too and I do it a lot. 🙂 But good on you for admitting that. It's cool to know others feel the same way
1. I was once attacked by a circus monkey.
2. I was born with the tip of my tongue tied to the bottom of my mouth so I couldn't talk until I had it cut in an operation.
3. My favourite dish to cook is potato bake with coconut milk.
4. I live 40km away from the nearest shop.
5. My Dad named the creek on our property Wolf Creek.
I agree with ElleBelle, you must tell us about the circus monkey. Potato bake is pretty awesome 🙂 Also I think it's awesome that you have a creek on your property and that your dad got to name it.
Haha okay N1ghtw1ng and ElleBelle, here's my monkey story.
I was in grade 5 and the circus was in town. My teacher took us to see the animals as an excusion. We walked through where the circus peple had their carvans and one of the caravans has a monkey on a leash outside it. I got too close and the thing went beserk and ran up my leg and started jumping up and down on my shoulders and pulling my hair!
Sounds like a good story to tell at parties 🙂 I hope the circus was worth it though. 😄
Ok JackJackJackie, you HAVE to tell us the circus monkey story!
(also now I have that song in my head. Jack Jack Jackie.. say you, say you, say you feel the same...)
1. i love indian naan bread
2. i'm digging Nicki Minaj's song High School
3. i love Sophia & Ashlee from MKR
4. i went to eat today in woolloomooloo
5. i ate a small tub of potato salad today
This starts from page 14 or page 13 😛
1- I physically cannot sit or stand still.
2- I have to correct people if they get something wrong.
3- I started ju jitsu and won three awards in a row.
4- Apparently I am very flexible in my wrists, elbows and arms which makes it almost impossible for people to get an arm bar on my in ju jitsu.
5- I have random moments of extreme energy where I can't sit still.
1- I wear glasses (and have contacts)
2- I'm very forgetful
3- I have a habit of finding groups of things (eg. seven dwarves) and figure out which one is which of my friends
4- I love knowing both sides of an arguement... argument... one of those.
5- I think out loud, as in when I'm thinking of something I'll speak it and end up having a conversation with myself.
1. I have an extreme obsession with lego. I absolutely love it. Including the games.
2. My memory is both terrible and excellent. It's really confusing.
3. I know just about anything to do with superheroes (and villains) from both DC and Marvel and some other places too.
4. I have had three dogs, four cats, probably about 16 fish and two birds. (my brother had 14 of the 16 fish.)
5. I just can't get rid of stuff. I hold by the fact that one day, something that I own will be useful to me. It gets annoying.
1- I'm not a big spender.
2- I love my rainbow slinky.
3- I have to be doing at least two things or I'll loose it.
4- I've read almost every book in my room.
5- .... this is hard(because I couldn't think of something :P)... how about, I'm a bit of a loner.
1- I have all the Marvel Avenger lego sets.
2- I have started rewatching Star Wars The Clone Wars and am now halfway into Season 2. (I started on Friday... holy that's a lot...)(I'm pretty sure that was only two days)
3- When I was younger, the only music that I'd dance to was ABBA.
4- I have my third and fourth driving lessons this week (after a few month's hiatus)
5- I jump really easily but it takes a lot more to actually scare me.
1. When I eat vanilla ice-cream I crush oreos and mix it up.
2. And then I eat it all with a teaspoon.
3. Sometimes my vision slides out of focus at random when I'm too close to something.
4. I can make my own macaroni and cheese... from the packet.
5. I find "dad" jokes hilarious.
- I absolutely strongly dislike the word extraordinary. Do you say it as extra-ordinary or extrordinary? It boggles my mind... arghghg!!!
- I probably have OCD except when it comes to keeping a clean room, a clean surface. No, it's only with the little things
- Um... I have a terrible memory except when it comes to TV shows or movies that I have only watched once or twice and can quote almost perfectly. (and am forced to correct anyone who gets even the smallest, insignificant detail incorrect)
- I am under a roof... hehe. I was going to say I am under the firm belief that straws are a gift to mankind as they make it easier for liquids to be consumed without needing to use the arms, hands, wrists or head or whatever to lift the drink to the lips and tilt so that the liquid falls into the mouth...
- I have 8 of the 10 Marvel twisty-head toys that you get from Kinder Surprises. (Must get last two!!)(I didn't get them :()
1. I'm not much of a conventional internet person. (as in I don't use tumblr, twitter or facebook or instragram or whatever youngin's use nowadays)
2. I'm oldfashioned. I use oldfashioned words (apparently).
3. I can quote some lines line for line of some movies and TV shows after watching them only once or twice.
4. I type fast so sometimes I missed letters or press the space too earlier or write the wrong thing. (I made 4 mistakes while trying to write that one sentence)
5. I spend the second half of an important test drawing rainbows and sunsets and butterflies because I'd finished early.
1- When my vision slides out of focus, I can still do tasks but I just have a blank/lost expression on my face.
2- I listen to soundtracks. Specifically soundtracks or the radio. Soundtracks currently on my phone(aka my telephone ipod) are Transformers 1,3,4 and Avatar:Last Airbender(need Korra so bad!) and How To Train Your Dragon 1,2.
3- Sometimes I want to just break down and start crying because I feel like everybody dislikes me. I don't though, because they're not worth it.
4- I prefer cartoons and live-action action movies (mostly from comics and/or toy franchises(G.I.Joe) over anything else. And some live action kids movies.
5- I can't chew chewing gum. The idea of eating something then spitting it out again is just... why? All that effort of chewing to spit it out? I actually don't know the reason but I just don't like chewing gum. At all.
1. I am terrified of bees, wasps, spiders, snakes, bugs and the like but you wouldn't know it by looking at me because I hide it wonderfully (and I love them except for wasps and mozzies)
2. A recent discovery is that I am terrible at shopping, for shoes specifically.
3. I am always sick. Mainly nose and throat.
4. I want to cry whenever I hear someone say they like a terrible adaption movie (Percy Jackson, Last Airbender, Eragon and so on)
5. I like to stand or sit or lie and do literally nothing.
1. When I was younger I used to stick my chips in my burger at McDonalds to make it like a birthday cake. (Did anyone else do this?)
2. I am hopeless at any physical activity except walking/hiking. Volleyball, NOPE. Soccer, I try but NOPE. Other sports, just... NOPE.
3. My teacher once sent me to the counselors office because of something I wrote about my family. It was a writing task for Italian but because it's hard to use another language I used easier words and my teacher thought it was the truth.
4. I am both a quick thinker and really slow to catch up on things at the same time. It can be very difficult. (Basically, I'll react in the back of my mind and then it'll take longer for the rest of me to catch up)
5. When my hair gets really knotty, I'll tear at it to get the knots out
I find it incredibly difficult to stay focused.
I type really fast but then make mistakes.
Oh, I can type without looking at my hands or the keyboard!
I can also play select songs on the piano with my eyes closed.
And some songs I can play on a right-handed guitar.
Is that five? Think so.
AND.... I made it to the end! I notice that a couple have doubled up, but some surprised me. (The one about me only dancing to ABBA when I was younger... I do not remember that at all :P)
Anyways! Because I love this thread so much, here are five NEW random things!
1- I am on exchange in Europe! (Until January )
2- I do not give one damn (not a single one) about my appearance. At all. I probably should a little bit though.
3- I get languages mixed up
4- I have lost my campus card three times. The first time it was found by a random and returned to the office. The second time it was found by an aquaintance on a railing. And the third time it was found by a friend on the street. I have the worst and best luck with my card
5- I have intentionally used smileys on every face 🙂
plus a bonus few!
bonus1- I recently read all the Harry Potter books in under a week.
bonus2- I have been much more emotional lately and it's kind of annoying.
bonus3- I'm asexual!
bonus4- I'm genderqueer/questioning (and super proud of it!)
That is all. 😛
Putting them all together is a good idea @N1ghtW1ng
i'm doing that too!
24-08-2014 05:39 PM
- I am terrified of dead birds.
- I am the second oldest of 10 children
- I have lived in 11 different suburbs of Melbourne in my 19 years
- I'm half aboriginal
- I have met my favourite singer Dallas Green.
29-08-2014 09:13 AM
I went to 6 different high schools
I live with my girlfriend and our housemate
I love catching trams/trains
I love to skateboard or go for a ride when things get hard
I taught myself how to play drums when I was a kid now I am in a band
14-01-2015 03:17 PM
1. My favourite shops are officeworks and then Kmart following closely in second place
(WHAT WAS I THINKING?? Kmart all the way!)
2. My favourite place in the world is Jan Juc
3. I drive a manual 1994 Nova hatch that I bought for $250 and spend nearly $1000 on it. Defs not a typical tradie vehicle.
4. I love going on the tram
5. Red rooster is by far my favourite fast food
12-02-2015 05:00 PM
1. I hate spiders "they are more scared of you than you are of them". Um, that explains them deciding to come near me and scare me.
2. I have a freckle on my right palm (which is super weird cause so does my housemate and one of my favourite singers has a song that is loosely connected to a freckle on his right palm)
3. I'm supposed to have reading glasses but my dog stepped on them and I haven't gone back to get more
4. I have a backpack that has a hole in the bottom and I know this, yet I still use it and wonder where all my coins have gone.
5. My housemates lizard enclosure lid fell on my head on Monday when I was feeding it, now have a scab in between my eyes. Ouch.
17-05-2015 03:36 PM
1. I'm really good at comitting to purchases before finding out the price. Then get a huge shock when I get to the register, lolz. This is why I love Kmart - cheap
2. I didn't know how to swim till I was 14 maybe even older
3. I sponsor a child from Vietnam, a 5 year old boy. I love it when people come to my house cause I can say "let me show you my son" and they get super confused
4.i like chicken parmis but not schnitzels
5. My hammock on our porch is my favourite place in the world, Jan Juc has been bumped down to second.
25-06-2015 07:11 PM
- I have a hyphenated last name (and everyone struggles to pronounce both of them, lucky my first name is so simple)
- I have this weird thing about coloured pencils (always buying a new packet, i have about 4 pencil cases full of barely used pencils)
- everybody loves raymond is one of my favourite shows
- i have a specific routine i follow before going for a run in the evening
- if i dont listen to music at all for one day i turn into grumpy jay
05-09-2015 11:36 PM
1. I'm not a huge movie person - I'd rather sit down and watch 2 X 1 hour episodes than a 2 hour movie. I can't concentrate on the one story for that long.
2. I haven't fully read a book in a while, I'm not that great at reading.
3. I try to drink 2 litres of water a day, which at first was ridiculously hard but now I just carry a 1.5 litre bottle around
4. My dogs are my best friends. I bought Friday as a present for myself when I turned 18, he was a birthday present and a leaving care celebration present.
5. Im supposed to wear reading glasses but I don't
24-9-2015 12:18PM
- Eggs benedict is my favourite breakfast
- I like to volunteer. I volunteered on Christmas Day last year and plan on doing the same this year.
- My favourite lollies in the whole world are fruit tingles, I'll cry if they ever stop being made
- I spent at least half an hour in my local officeworks the other day because I wanted to find the "perfect fineliner". I didn't find any I wanted and tested out all of the pencils instead
- I love Fleetwood Mac ❤️
Wow some things have really changed since last year when I started posting on this thread
5 random things about me.
1. my nickname for a special group is 'bryan' because they reckon i look like him. (the dude off the smoke packet) lol
2. i get really really random bursts of energy
3. i absolutely LOVE dancing!! but i never dance infront of people
4. i take ALOT to heart.
5. Most guys tell me all the time that i have a good body. its good in a way but i hate it because i think they are just going to use me because of it.
Hey emilyashe,
I see you have posted here too 🙂
I would love to be able to dance. I like dancing too, but I am too afraid to even dance by myself. Maybe one day I should take some lessons.
With your last point- that is one way of looking at it, another way is there is nothing more other than a compliment 🙂
Love to see you around more 😄
I'm pretty random so this should be easy...
1- I physically cannot sit or stand still.
2- I have to correct people if they get something wrong.
3- I started ju jitsu and won three awards in a row.
4- Apparently I am very flexible in my wrists, elbows and arms which makes it almost impossible for people to get an arm bar on my in ju jitsu.
5- I have random moments of extreme energy where I can't sit still.
1. I only have two knuckles on both my hands..so four in total 🙂
2. I have a pet budgerigar
3. I do dancing everyday except tuesdays and sundays
4. I love playing the guitar
5. I also love keeping up with the kardashians (guilty as charged)
HI EVERYONE!!! with some many newish poele posting here lately I thought I'd do a big hello to everyone. I love 5 raqndom things because you find out such interesting stuff about people!!
Hi llaurenbutler – oh you are not alone here in your love of HP – so many here in the RO co\mmunity are big harry potter fans!! Do you mean that you went to the Harry Potter theme park in Florida!!?!?! Oh and you’ve me curious now – the most loved and hated performer? You have to tell us who now!!!
OH Dragana, you and laurenbutler both have something with me - I totally love to sing in the shower too. Ohhhhh, how I love to sing in the shower!!. There is something great about having the iPod blasting and singing yr lil heart out! Gaytimes are defo the best too– I gotta agree with you 100% there.
Clio Helen So you are a writer, that’s awesome. Have you written many fictional stories? What types of characters do you write about? You car ride singing sounds a bit like how I sing in the shower!!!!
jazzyv I’m really trying to get into running – I’m about to start this whole couch to 5kms thingo where hopefully I will go from not running – ever – to actually enjoying it! So it sounds like a great self-care day for you would be a big run followed by a few hours on the couch watching cop shows eating banana and nutella on toast. You should remember that the next time you are having a bad day!!
Transparent_fox how come you have fallen out of trees multiple times? Are you a deforestation activist? Do you like building tree houses? Or… What’s the story? Thamnks for sharing…!
OhMyGlob: Aw, sad face re: no pets?? What sort of pet would you like to have if you could? What’s adventure time? What’s the last adventure you’ve been on? It doesn’t surprise me that you like adventures bedcause I know a few people with CF and they are extremely brave and strong people!!! Great to have you here!
GraceInSpace Do you sing in a metal band? And OMFG what sort of sharks were they and were you in a cage? Did yous ee that footage going around the internet a little while back of the woman swimming with a great white??? Amazing struff!
ecargyracka I’m really curious what 2 knuckles looks like!? Does it just look the same as everyone else?? What sort of dancer are you? Krumping?? Line dancing? Go-go dancing!? Oh and with you playing guitar and Gracein space doing death metal growling we could have our own RO metal band!!! Yay!!