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5 random things about you!
It's time for 5 random things!
Let's try and make it as random as possible.
1. Peppermint icecream is the best! I wish I could eat peppermint icecream for breakfast lunch and dinner
2. While my hair is boring-brown now, over the years my hair has been blonde, black, red, purple, blue, green, yellow, orange, pink.
3. I love walruses!!!!!
4. Being at the beach makes me the happiest
5. I love fantasy books (and movies) Tolkien and Ursula Le Guin are my favs
i fall out of trees alot because i like climbing trees... and sometimes i slip
2. Sometimes I wish I was a dog
3. I just started watching The Office from the very start again
4. I like riding bikes
5. I really like swimming
Transparent_fox I hope you don't get hurt when you fall! But climbing trees can be pretty fun!
1 - I can do the scary death metal singing
2 - I have swum with sharks before
3 - I played indoor soccer at a National Level
4 - I'm trying my luck as a freelance artist
5 - I climbed the Story Bridge
five random thing eh? okay then lets see now
1. the worst nightmare ive ever had was of me in a really dark room, all i could see was a small staute of a white rabit with the sound of a dog barking in the distance... i didnt sleep for a week after that, not sure why it even scared me but it did
2. i have frequent twiches supposedly to spinal injury from falling off 20 meter high trees one too many times
3. i havnt been able touch small objects or anything with small parts without touching the entire thing over (making keyboards dificult) my entire life on and off
4. i eat and work out (alot) and never gain weight. (doctors are thinking of medicating me for it, its that bad)
5. i have a 96% average accuracey with a 22' BRUNO longrifle (unscoped/no stand) at 50 meters. (results taken from the last two years of score boards)
and there are five random things about me
1. I don't have any pets 😞
2. I currently have a picture of 3 giraffes in suits on my wall 🙂
3. I love adventure time
4. I'm supposed to be doing homework now but I'm not 😛
5. I have cystic fibrosis
1. i love to run!
2. i have five piercings and one tattoo
3. i can't skate, or do handstands or cartweels 😞
4. banana and nutella on toast is the best
5. i could sit on the couch watching cop shows all day
I love writing fictional stories
I love green tea
I procrastinate too much
I sleep with a teddy bear called Lola
I like nothing better than going for drives with my best friend with the music so loud we ca't even hear ourselves sing.
1) I sing in the shower..
2) i always always play with my hair
3) GAYTIME ice-cream is the best\
4) i say random nicknames to my friends
andf the list goes on and on 🙂
1) I love the fact that I'm blond and I'm proud of my hair.
2) I love the Harry Potter movies and I'm proud to say that I've been in the Warner Bros Stuidio...
3) I'm fan of the most loved and in the same time most hated performers.
4) I always sing when taking a shower.
5) I love blue eyes!
I actually always find these extremely difficult because I can never seem to think of anything random enough. But anyway, here goes...
1. I don't like it when I'm asked what my favourite colour is, because I don't have a favourite colour, I have favourite colour schemes and combinations. And my favourite colour combinations seem to always change, at the moment it would have to be yellow + bright green/blue.
2. My guitar is named Cheryl.
3. I've never had a crush on a guy (and I'm 18) but I've fallen head over heels in love with New York City, and I dream about that day I can go back 😄
4. I have an intense obsession with blue cheese.
5. I know from experience that the toilets in gold class Event cinemas are actually the most incredible thing. They have individual cubicles each with a sink and everything, each larger than what's normally a disabled toilet cubicle. And it's all pretty and mirrors and shiny! Legit the most amazing thing.
1. Absolutlely love cars or anything that has an engine.
2. I'm a major loner, but would love to change that.
3. Love listening to music of all kinds.
4. Love jelly crystals straight outta the packet, raspberry's my fave.
5. Into fantasy & sci-fi movies, anything that takes you away from reality for a little while
1) Music... music is amazing, its like all rocky and woot woot 🙂
2) HAIR, red hair... need I say more? :3 well easy sun burns xD
3) Join the Freckles 😛 such a fun game when you are bored out of your mind
4) IMMA NERD! gameaholics beware, i will give you someone to compete with 😉
5) Hugs... when we all feeling down... we all just need a big squishy hug... am i right?
I've done this before as well, but I'm doing it again because I can. 😛
1. I LOVE anything to do with Winnie the Pooh or Sesame Street
2. I've been learning German for the past four years and hope to become fluent in it
3. My doctor decided on the spelling of my name when my mum was in labour with me (there's two ways you can spell it, and my parents couldn't decide...)
4. I'm terrified of heights, and have been for as long as I can remember
5. I hope to study psychology when I finish school 🙂
1.I hate sleeping flat on my back
2.I sing quite a lot, it's become more like a lifestyle then just being a sometimes thing, for example, I sing so much its a daily routine like eating dinner.
3.I collect paper clips
Ever since my father died in 2011 I have gone into denial which is why I can talk about it so easily while everyone wonders how I do it.
5. I have a habit of typing every sentence with a capital letter
This seems fun
1. I only eat the cheese and bread of a pizza but insist on ordering a pizza with the lot.
2. I don't eat ice cream from the side of the container, it tastes gross.
3. I only own 1 pair of shoes
4. My name on here is my cat's name lol
5.I have a fluro green lap top which i adore 🙂
2. I love playing the piano ! ❤️
4. Nightcore, happy upbeat music ❤️
5. Anime ❤️
That is all ❤️
1. If music I'm listening to has a drum beat to it, and I'm really into it, I will grab a pen or two and tap it against my desk or leg or randomly in the air pretending to play the drums, yet I've never played the drums before XD haha
2. When listening to music I have a bad habit of moking the artists, sometimes I'll try to sing chipmunk or darkvader style
3. I own a total of 11 skirts and 9 dresses, yet I continue to look for more, and I'm like a meldamarcos with my shoes 😛
4. I will tidy my room every 2-3 weeks and be amazed at how big my room looks afterwards and at how things manage to move form place to place through the space of that time
5. I'm in love with soft toys, I have a whole crete of them on display, a whole tub in the top cupboard and a whole blanket bag full of them in my cuboard. Yet I still beg mum for soft toys when I see them in shops, "aww he's soo cute... ooo he's soft too... mum can I get him?" haha
1. I've been a vegetarian for 12 years and can't see myself ever eating meat again.
2. I have 10 tattoos but my favourite is my nickname on the inside of my lip ("Belle")
3. I like to read craft blogs and get inspired but hardly ever finish what I've started. My house is full of half finished craft projects!
4. I named my cat Harley after the guitarist from the Cro-Mags but when he stabbed someone earlier this year I changed her name to Hayley to avoid bad karma.
5. When I was traveling in New Orleans, I ended up wth viral gastro and got stuck in hospital for five very lonely days.
I've totally already done this but I wanted to do it again and see if I could come up with some other things!
1. I have a pet rat... everyone thinks this is a bit of a crazy thing to do but I think he is totally cute as!
2. I enjoy colouring in... I buy colouring books all the time. I think it relaxes my mind and makes me feel calm.
3. I am really into meditation and Buddhist living. They believe in overcoming suffering and being happy! Which fits in perfect with my life.
4. People say that I am never sad because I look happy all the time... but it's not true I get blue too!
5. I lorve singing! Some people think I do it well, other think not so well but I only do it because it makes me feel happy!
1!! I love to paint and I even sell my artwork to avoid ever having to work at Woolworths again!
2. I have swum with sharks before
3. I don't eat fruit because it feels strange.
4. I'm a real girly girl but I love death metal and I can even sing like metalheads can.
5. I have been all over Europe and I'm going again next year!!
1. If I could marry anyone in the world, i would be the love child of Tim Burton and Ellen Page. They are both so amazing!
2. Cookies and cream ice-cream is just to die for!
3. I have an extremely organised messy room that only I understand and love.
4. I am always always always Happy!
5. I believe that one day a wonderful and accepting person *fingers crossed* will one day rule the world!
hmmmmm five random things about me
1) i love the colour green
2) Vanilla ice cream by its self is the only way ill eat ice cream
3) i cant whistle
4) im okay at art
5) my fream career is to be a dancer