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5 random things about you!

It's time for 5 random things! Man Very Happy

Let's try and make it as random as possible.


1. Peppermint icecream is the best! I wish I could eat peppermint icecream for breakfast lunch and dinner

2. While my hair is boring-brown now, over the years my hair has been blonde, black, red, purple, blue, green, yellow, orange, pink.

3. I love walruses!!!!!

4. Being at the beach makes me the happiest

5. I love fantasy books (and movies) Tolkien and Ursula Le Guin are my favs


Sophie-ROPosted 19-07-2012 05:36 PM

Comments (41 pages)

SkyBluePosted 06-09-2012 11:12 AM

1. I'm a vegetarian!

2. And a twin

3. Chopped off my right index finger when I was 5. The doctors managed to fix it back on again though...

4. my favourite thing to do is wander around in ball gowns

5.  I love the wind.


j95Posted 01-01-2016 08:25 PM
1. I could be a fully qualified electrician by now had i continued down that path in 2014, I only had a year to go.
2. i volunteer for a number of organisations
3. i think Ace Ventura might be my favourite movie or maybe Ferris Buellers Day Off
4. i have a very big family
5. I don't mind going out to eat on my own - I don't really care if people think I look stupid.

hartley_Posted 15-01-2015 01:18 AM

1. I am a dog whisperer

2. I love Law and Order (SVU and CI)

3. My space bar keeps stickinggggg

4. Makeup and shoes are my weaknesses

5. I regularly eat strawberries or gherkins on peanut butter toast (dont judge til youve tried it!!!)


JulezRulezPosted 05-09-2012 09:26 PM

Now WHERE do I start?

1. I'm a complete geek of a girl gamer and get ferociously competetive during Mario Kart
2. I subconsciously pull the same face as what I draw, which is usualy somthing derpy
3. I inhale the cupboard when I get home from school every day
4. No matter how much I eat I'm still pretty skinny
5. My dog is a poo-eating-fruit-bat-fox-faced-pointy-eared-scary-bear Pomeranian

Pity it wasn't '10 random things about you' because I could go on all day about it.


MaddiPosted 05-09-2012 06:46 PM

1. I have blue eyes which people are always telling me look really pretty in the sun

2. my cat means everything to me, even though i get allergies

3. i can not go a day without music, i'll go insane otherwise

4. My biggest fears are: a mirror, cameras, water and public speaking (totally cringe worthy!)

5. The only thing that could put me in a good mood is sitting down listening to music while drawing.


cosmyk1Posted 04-09-2012 11:23 AM

1) Im way addicted to ice cream.....vanilla and caramel and would do anything for it

2)When im alone and walking to or home from school i talk aloud pretending im with sum1

3)People tend to think im scary when im actually really nice

4) i love annoying my siblings

5) When im sad and i bed i hug my pillow pretending itll make everything betta

Only-MePosted 27-08-2012 11:37 PM

5 random, but totally awesome, things about me....


1. I know how to drive, (i'm not even a teen, yet...)

2. I loathe the colour pink...but I really like it

3. I sometimes live on a 9 acre farm that backs onto a river

4. My eyes are blue, green and hazel

5. I love to write stories, poems etc with really dramatic endings


youngster96Posted 25-08-2012 09:47 PM

5 Random things about myself...


1. I am the BIGGEST tetris nerd...At one point I was ranked number 26 in the world for my tetris record, since i have moved down... 😞

2. I do small bore rifle shooting as a sport, I have had a natural talent for shooting since I was 7 and my Dad eased my into shooting and since then I haven't looked back. 

3. I love Ed Sheeran, he is the coolest ranga and such an angelic voice, he is the only person who's voice is soothing enough to calm me down during my panic attacks.

4. I love baking cupcakes, brownies, cakes, whoopie pies, slices and pretty much any baked goods in the world that tase delicious...BUT I won't eat anything that I cook, baking it satifies me enough and I don't feel the need to eat my creations.

5. I collect vintage erasers from the 70's and 80's that I buy online from ebay. I currently have 350...I LOVE THEM!

MissUnderstoodPosted 15-08-2012 11:20 AM

These are the things that make me happiest out of everything in the whole world 😄


1. I love to dance in the middle of the shops to no music (its fun you should try it :P)

2. I am obsessed with rainbows and unicorns, its best to be imaginative

3. I absolutely LOVE colours clothes, and I get called dyke because of it, but I don't mind. Its who I am

4. I want to be a facepainter.

5. I love to sing and dance with my little sister (even though we look like spastics, but thts what love it) 😛

jochan95Posted 15-08-2012 10:51 PM

Hi y'all,

I'm Joanne and it's spectacular to meet you 😄


1. I come from a family of nine.

2. I like an assortment of colours: navy, mustard, burgandy.

3. I often feel quite tired (and I think it's because I'm low on iron so guys, if you feel tired despite sleeping 8 hours look into that!)

4. I wish more people called me Joey, like Joey Potter from Dawson's Creek.

5. I can spend long times looking up at the moon from my bed. (not the cause to my sleep deprivation)


See y'all around!!!

lokifishPosted 12-08-2012 04:48 PM

1. I'm a vegetarian

2. My dog's name is Yoyo (people always think that's the randomest name for a dog)

3. I sleep with a Winnie the Pooh teddy bear I've had since I was a year old

4. I love AFL and go for the Sydney Swans despite being a Victorian. 😛

5. My dream is to own a blue sheep (it's a long story, and I know there aren't any blue sheep.)

LexPosted 13-08-2012 09:08 PM

@lokifish wrote:

4. I love AFL and go for the Sydney Swans despite being a Victorian. 😛

That's okay. I go for the Essendon Bombers and I'm from Queensland! GO BOMBERS! 😄

lokifishPosted 14-08-2012 05:59 PM

@Lex Woo I don't feel so out of place now. 😛 My uncle's an Essendon supporter and always tells me I'm stupid for going for an interstate team. Well now that we're on top of the ladder, who's the stupid one now? 😉

Plus, we were originally South Melbourne, so still technically a *half* Victorian team...

Ali818Posted 10-08-2012 11:44 PM

Hmmm... 5 random things about me:


1. I am homeschooled

2. I absolutely love flying on planes

3. I have been to more mental-health related events than I have school functions

4. I moved out, I am completing year 12 and planning a wedding all in one year

5. saved my life



bluebirdPosted 11-08-2012 07:48 PM



1. I HATE those stupid RAC ads... "where's Joanna?" "She's helping shomeone" Gah!

2. I only wash my hair about once every 6 weeks.. I'm not a feral though I swear.

3. It took me til a couple of days ago to realise that that random olympic symbol actually says 2012. Lol.

4. I'm a scab picker.

5. My right foot is half a size bigger than my left. (Annoying!)


Hope thats random enough 🙂

dreamcatcherPosted 10-08-2012 12:19 AM

1. I love cats, but sadly don't own one. (soon... hopefully)


2. I've met all the members of Paramore and Tonight Alive (my two favourite bands).


3. I play so many instruments. I get bored and learn a new one. Currently teaching myself the Ukulele, my main instruments are piano and guitar, but I also play/played clarinet, flute, tuba and drums.


4. I'm going skydiving soon... like, as soon as it starts to warm up. SO EXCITED.


5. I have two chocolate labradores...... named Kashgar and Cadbury. 

wishfulxfinkinPosted 09-08-2012 07:26 PM

- I have an obsession with collecting DVD's. I have almost 400 of them currently.

- I love herbal teas. I have about 40 different flavours at the moment that I haven't drunk.

- I love anything to do with Disney. My favourite character is the Mad Hatter.

- My favourite superhero is the Green Lantern.

- Pres. Obama, PM Gillard, and Mariska Hargitay are 3 people I find truly inspiring.

- I had to add an extra because I hate odd numbers.

LexPosted 09-08-2012 08:05 PM

wishfulxfinkin wrote:

- Pres. Obama, PM Gillard, and Mariska Hargitay are 3 people I find truly inspiring.

- I had to add an extra because I hate odd numbers.

You hate odd numbers and yet you listed 3 people who inspire you? 😉


Nice to meet you and welcome to the forum! Have you been to all the Disneylands?

BeePosted 09-08-2012 08:20 PM

1. My school bag matches my folder, unintentially, it was my old English teacher who said that...

2. I must wear my necklace and bracelets on both wrists to feel comfortable, (my wrists feel 'naked' otherwise) and everyone always asks how I can wear so many bracelets...

3. I refused to wear my glasses for about 3 years and now I cannot live without them, I can't even walk down the hall without them on, I feel vulnerable otherwise

4. The only jumper I own is my school year 10 one which I wear all the time

5. I don't own a single pair of jeans! No, not even a demin skirt or denim shorts!

CesjPosted 31-07-2012 07:44 PM



1. I have never been in a real relationship

2. I like mint ice cream and cookie dough together, or if there is no mint ice cream ill just have cookie dough raw

3. Everyone always calls me the thinker

4. I have fallen alseep whilst writing notes for school. I woke up with the pen still in my hand

5. I dont like peanuts

rainbowpotatoPosted 19-12-2018 09:57 AM

1.i recently painted daisies on my bedside table. I like it but my parents hate it

2. Ive never kissed anyone that I actually have feelings for. I dont think i ever will 

3. i broke my cheek bone when i was 5 now i have a dimple when I smile  

4. I currently have 8 bruises and i don’t know how i got any of them

5. I dont know what day of the week it is and cant remember what I did yesterday.

Esperanza67Posted 19-12-2018 12:52 PM
1. I own more than 100 books (and counting)
2. It is impossible to find a photo of me not wearing any earrings from the ages 1 and up
3. I haven't driven a car in 3 years (despite having an open licence haha)
4. I've never owned a pet (devastating, I know)
5. I'm super clumsy
annabethxchasePosted 09-01-2019 07:44 PM
1. I love milk (oh really? no way!)
2. I am an introvert
3. I play netball 🙂
4. I am really good at tongue twisters
5. I have a little sister
Bonus: I have two dogs called Willow & Oscar
Esperanza67Posted 19-12-2018 12:35 PM
Hey @rainbowpotato, it sounds like you're going through some tough times, am I right? Feel free to start a new thread or reply to one of your existing threads (if it is to do with stuff you've mentioned in your existing threads). We're here to support you ❤️
Sophie-ROPosted 02-08-2012 04:25 PM

2. I like mint ice cream 

oh SNAP! I'm obsessed... Not with the cookie dough part though!

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