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5 random things about you!

It's time for 5 random things! Man Very Happy

Let's try and make it as random as possible.


1. Peppermint icecream is the best! I wish I could eat peppermint icecream for breakfast lunch and dinner

2. While my hair is boring-brown now, over the years my hair has been blonde, black, red, purple, blue, green, yellow, orange, pink.

3. I love walruses!!!!!

4. Being at the beach makes me the happiest

5. I love fantasy books (and movies) Tolkien and Ursula Le Guin are my favs


Sophie-ROPosted 19-07-2012 05:36 PM

Comments (41 pages)

Natface_ROPosted 20-07-2012 09:47 AM

Hihi! So excited that we've finally kicked off the forums, w00t! So 5 random things about me...


  • I'm obsessed with the West Wing - BEST. SHOW. EVER! apart from every other awesome thing about it, it introduced me to apples and peanut butter. Best snack in the world. In fact I'm eating it now 😛
  • I used back in 2002 (10 years ago!!!) when my boyfriend was going through a tough time, and i didn't know what to do - and now I work here!!!
  • I one hugged Dave Grohl when the Foo Fighters played a secret gig at a small venue in Sydney - amazeballs.
  • I love, love, love Ryan Adams and get really usept when people make Bryan Adams jokes about them being the same person. They're sooooooo different. As you can see I'm a bit sensistive about it 😉
  • I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up 🙂



MaggaPosted 20-07-2012 12:13 AM

1 - I'm a massive Tool fan. Patiently waiting for a new's been about 7 years!

2 - I'm terribly unmotivated. So many things to do, and too much effort to do them...

3 - I got a Kindle for my birthday. I currently have 62 books...and the list is growing!

4 - My first favourite song was Blue (Da Ba Dee) by Eiffel 65. Yea, you know the one. 

5 - I'm (slowly) teaching myself guitar. I know a few chords at the moment, but between uni, work and everything else I don't get much time to practice. 

Chanty12Posted 27-10-2020 10:55 AM


1. I'm hispanic from chile and i can speak spanish, english, a bit of japanese and im learning french.

2. I am an artist and love to also play basketball

3. I play guitar, violin and voice

4. I love vanila ice cream and baking sweets

5. Jam donuts are the best

Spiderman5414Posted 24-12-2017 02:44 AM

hey I am tool fan too. Which song is your favourite?

GG-DDPosted 16-01-2017 10:53 PM

1. I lived in England for 6 months last year as part of a study abroad programme
2. I have a piano in my room but have forgotten how to read the music
3. I know how to speak Australian Sign Language
4. I am terrified of spiders but not even remotely scared of snakes
5. I have a dog who is a pomchi (and super adorable)

j95Posted 04-10-2015 09:19 PM
1. I used to be an apprentice electrician before the trade I'm in now.
2. As well as drums I also play guitar and a bit of keys
3. I would love to travel to New Zealand (next holiday I think!!)
4. I'm terrible at cricket, once my friend got me into his A Grade side for a game one year and I got out on the first bowl.
5. I still buy cds
PillowPosted 05-04-2014 10:55 PM
1- I'm obsessed with Katy Perry and I'm going to her concert this November
2- I love Lord Of The Rings/The Hobbit and all of it's cast
3- Orlando Bloom is my celeb crush :3
4- I have 1 cat and 1 dog and they are best friends
5- My very first favourite song was Mamma Mia by ABBA
N1ghtW1ngPosted 06-04-2014 07:47 AM

1- I have all the Marvel Avenger lego sets.

2- I have started rewatching Star Wars The Clone Wars and am now halfway into Season 2. (I started on Friday... holy that's a lot...)

3- When I was younger, the only music that I'd dance to was ABBA.

4- I have my third and fourth driving lessons this week (after a few month's hiatus)

5- I jump really easily but it takes a lot more to actually scare me.

florenceforeverPosted 07-01-2014 10:17 AM

Hi everyone! Here are five random things about me Smiley Very Happy


1. The walls of the room are covered with free postcards that I collect from local cafes and libraries.


2. I have two bookshelves in my room, both of which are completely full. It's about 500 books in total. I'm a bit too scared to count how many of the books I still have to read!


3. I turned 18 in Paris, and spent the day on the Eiffel Tower eating lunch.


4. I go for a run every second day - the only thing that gets me running is an app on my iphone where zombies are chasing me - it works really well!


5. Even though I'm 19, when I have a bad dream, I still run upstairs, jump into Mum's bed and sleep with her for the rest of the night.

Chessca_HPosted 07-01-2014 05:03 PM

@florenceforever What a lovely way to turn 18! I'm way jealous, I've been to France but I didn't get to to go to Paris and I'd love to go 🙂


What's the zombie app called? It sounds amazing 😄

BeePosted 08-01-2014 11:30 PM
Haven't done this in a while
1. It took me ages to learn how to go cross eyed, now I can do it easily!
2. I cannot walk in heels to save my life yet have 2 pairs only worn once!
3. I have numerous pieces of clothing only worn once, practically half of my wardrobe!
4. I have so many scarves, but rarely wear them
5. In summer I rarely wear shorts, but in winter I rarely wear skirts
N1ghtW1ngPosted 09-01-2014 12:07 AM

1. I have an extreme obsession with lego. I absolutely love it. Including the games.

2. My memory is both terrible and excellent. It's really confusing.

3. I know just about anything to do with superheroes (and villains) from both DC and Marvel and some other places too.

4. I have had three dogs, four cats, probably about 16 fish and two birds. (my brother had 14 of the 16 fish.)

5. I just can't get rid of stuff. I hold by the fact that one day, something that I own will be useful to me. It gets annoying. 

wheatusPosted 29-03-2013 09:46 AM

Hey everyone i just joined today so i kind of had no clue what to do but here goes anything 🙂


1. My favourite colour is light brown (like hot chocolate)

2. My dogs name is Misty named after Misty from Pokemon

3. I pick my nails not bite them

4. I love Jodi Picoult she is the best author in the world!

5. Im quite introverted and like being at home with my mum 



gailPosted 29-03-2013 12:09 PM

Hey wheatus, welcome to the forums! I pick my nails too... it's way more satisfying! I really need to stop though. Feel free to head over to the hang out subforum and... hang out. That's where most people post 🙂 Hope you're having a good Good Friday!

Natface_ROPosted 20-07-2012 09:22 AM

AHHHH Magga!!! Now i'm gonna have Blue stuck in my head all day!!!

awkwardturtlePosted 20-07-2012 02:14 AM



1. I'm currently in England so if I reply at random times (such as now... 2:12am) it's because I'm actually awake!!! shall try to reply at normal times as well 🙂

2. My family has 10 horses, 3 cats and two dogs

3. I love country music (and all others except rap)

4. I love reading

5. I am the messiest person ever!!

BonnieBooPosted 08-02-2019 10:53 PM



5 things bout me ok

1. i have brown hair and Hazel eyes

2. i have 2 dogs

3. i'm Gothic

4. i sleep with a plush dog named chilly

5. i LOVE paranormal romance books

queenPPosted 09-02-2019 11:44 AM

5 random things about me:

1. I love to read, but only short stories or essays (it takes a LOT to keep me interested for a whole book)

2. I spent my whole life thinking I was a dog person until 3 years ago when I got my first cat, Winston. Now I am officially on #teamcat

3. I adore Florence + the Machine 

4. My first crush was Natasha Negovanlis, so when she cut her hair did I (*cringe*)

5. I've worn red lipstick every day since graduating high school 3 years ago 😄 

DIVYAPosted 10-02-2019 03:56 PM

1. I have never tasted peanut butter Smiley LOL

2. Never tasted iced tea

3. I like pineapple on my pizza 

4. I love collecting fancy notebooks and pens

5. I don't like fries

snowflake-19Posted 20-07-2012 02:16 PM

@awkwardturtle wrote:



1. I'm currently in England so if I reply at random times (such as now... 2:12am) it's because I'm actually awake!!! shall try to reply at normal times as well 🙂

2. My family has 10 horses, 3 cats and two dogs

3. I love country music (and all others except rap)

4. I love reading

5. I am the messiest person ever!!

I love that your user name is awkward turtle


*Virtual Highfive*

superskyPosted 19-07-2012 10:33 PM

1) I have 1/3 of a paper mache creation sitting on my desk...

2) Currently, one of my hands is cold, the other is warm.

3) I missed tonight's episode of Silk so will have to catch up online.

4) I have two doona covers. One is a jungle pattern, and the other's an underwater picture. 

5) I have a tailless cat. Cat Surprised

indelibledanielPosted 01-06-2020 01:24 AM

1. i only use few seconds to brush my teeth.

2. i am obsessed with singing, it seems awkward to my family sometimes but i just cant do without it

3. i cannot do without making use of google and Wikipedia every hour

4. my room is always in disarray. Smiley LOL

5. i nearly got beaten all the time for play gospel songs to my friends

JanaGPosted 14-10-2016 11:04 PM

1. I want to see the pyramids of Egypt one day.

2. Blue is my favourite colour.

3. I hate it when people crack their fingers.

4. I have 4 piercings on each ear.

5. I love watching murder documentaries.


AnnaDisneyPosted 22-09-2015 09:45 PM
  1. I have one gray hair on my head (YIKES)
  2. I really liked adding 4 teasspoons of sugar into my coffee
  3. i like nicknaming people 
  4. I really love loafers!
  5. clouds make me happy
MyvoPosted 24-09-2015 01:07 AM

Heya @AnnaDisney!


Welcome to the forums!


I also love loafers - everyone pays them out because they think they are "old people" shoes Smiley Sad

Welcome back!

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