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5 random things about you!
It's time for 5 random things!
Let's try and make it as random as possible.
1. Peppermint icecream is the best! I wish I could eat peppermint icecream for breakfast lunch and dinner
2. While my hair is boring-brown now, over the years my hair has been blonde, black, red, purple, blue, green, yellow, orange, pink.
3. I love walruses!!!!!
4. Being at the beach makes me the happiest
5. I love fantasy books (and movies) Tolkien and Ursula Le Guin are my favs
1. I hate tea, all types. ☕️😖
2. As a kid, my dream job was an air traffic controller ✈️
3. I am obsessed with Game of Thrones ⚔️
4. My favourite colour is red (like a ladybug) 🐞
5. I still love all the disney princesses 👑
Hey Nekus,
If you need any advice or just someone to talk to about anything, please feel free to message me.
And alwaysremember, you are not alone! 🙂
1) I love playing around with my dog
2) My friends say I'm totaly crazy
3) I love talking to others about random things
4) I love marshmallows
5) currently going through friend trouble 😞
Hey @Bell Rose welcome to RO!
1. I have 2 more days until I am on holidays
2. I live near the beach
3. My last purchase was a coffee 2 days ago
4. I have a thing for rose-gold jewellery at the moment
5. I have been this exact height since I was 12 years old ( 8 years ago!)
hey im new here u sound interesting is there a way to inbox on thos site
Break ups suck, big time.
My strongest recommendation is Maggie Beer's Burnt Fig and Caramel Ice Cream, soothes the soul!
Also, write a list of 10 things you can do to make you feel better as a quick fix. They might be things you can do to help you stop delay texting him, or just something that might help you stop feeling sorry for yourself and get out of bed. Some things on my list are a few songs, like Spiritus by Lisa Mitchell and Mr. Polite by The Jungle Giants and also cry in the shower but finish crying by the time I'm out of the shower.
Goodluck, it's worth the wait 🙂
Random things are random and random is awesome because awesome is random and no I don't know where this sentence is meow.
1) I often get called a "History Nerd" because I love history and religion and seem to have a natural talent for it.
2) I sleep with my teddy bear named Chocolate because of his colour in a sleeping bag under my blankey and quilt (because its so cold!)
3) I'm terrified of the dark, windows, mirrors, doorways, some creepy-crawlies and a myriad of other stuff.
4) Massive love of mustard, but also of spicy sauces on almost any food.
5) Camping in a small tent, in a national park (so its quiet) when its raining and storming and windy is so peaceful and is one of my favourite things to do.
This is my first time on the forums, so might as well!
1) I love to write novels, and I currently have 6 works in progress (I never get much done on any of them)
2) I'm kind of a stuffed animal collector, I have too many to count!
3) I really enjoy horror content despite what most tend to think when they meet me
4) My favourite classes at the moment are; Latin, French and Psychology
5) I have two rabbits called Bonnie and Clover, and a really old cat called Raffles
1) I'm unreasonable sometimes, my bro gets angry becuz of dat!
2) I hate injustice
3) Just starting exercising, after a long period of the stupid flu that kept me in bed which helped me escape the half yearly maths test! HORRAY!
4) I get annoyed when my sister messes my place
5) I am the corruped on in the family
I always love these things! 🙂
1. I'm an identical twin but my sister and I definitely have our individual quirks and we've grown to look less similar over time.
2. I have a slight obsession with colours and colourful things. Oh and ducks... (there is an explanation behind that) 😛
3. I'm studying a BA majoring in French and English and I've been to Paris once which was awesome. 😄
4. I have a massive teddy bear called Chris. He also has a brother called Ted who belongs to my friend.
5. I love chain watching TV programs.
Just curious... has the ducks thing got anything to do with Leunig?
I like chain watching tv programs too like carrie daries and dance moms and i love like anime ..teeheee
Welcome asianbabe! Yes, most Australians are racist, but there are worse countries for racism than ours. But being white doesn't mean people aren't racist towards you, white people can be very racist to each other! But it does make it more obvious if all you have to do is look at someone to prejudice them.
When people were racist towards me, it just made me more proud of my heritage. Except when I finally visited my father's country, I found them to be quite racist as well! It is just the way things are. I'm sure lots of asian countries are racist to each other too.
I like watching tv series all the way through as well. I just finished watching battlestar gallactica and full metal alchemist!
1. I have over 350 Beanie Kids
2. I love Meerkats
3. My room is all purple but I prefer the colour pink
4. I have my own little Zoo at home I have 1 Cat, 2 Dogs, 1 Bunny Rabbit, 1 Turtle and lots of Fish.
5. I love cuddling up to my Kitty when I am sad.
- I lick to lick the flavour off chips and biscuits but hate eating them.
- I'm pretty sure that this mole I have on my stomach is actually a third nipple!
- I love reading old classic novels like Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice is my favourite.
- When I turn my arm I can crack my elbow... every time!
- Currently I am nocturnal, in that for four days I have been sleeping during the day and awake at night!
omg, Atma!! I do the same thing with biscuts and chips I also when eating apples have to throw the first bite away before continuing to eat it.
1. I have an obsession with the cold war and soviets
2. I don't like fish unless its battered
3. I have just broken two of my fingers in my left hand while boating
4. Every night i have to plug and replug my iphone in about 20 times to get it to connect properly
5. I hate the sound of metal scraping metal
1. I really didn't like avocadoes as a child but now I love them
2. My favourite colours are red and purple
3. I'm a summertime girl
4. I used to have bright pink hair (my parents were not happy lol)
5. I don't do chickpeas
I too really like the learning about the Cold War and the soviets. Have you read Doctor Shivago?
I don't know if I've ever done this so here it goes!
- I am proud to say I grew up in a rainbow family and will be marching with my dad in Mardi Gras this year for the second time.
- I have two tattoo's and I'll be getting another this year which I'm super excited about.
- In a previous job I won "Best Dancer" award at an end of year celebration
- I consider myself an auntie to my brothers dog. I taught him how to sit on his bum and put his paws up, like a meerkat.
- I have a super eclectic taste in music. At the moment I'm listening to a lot of Mac Demarco