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5 random things about you!
It's time for 5 random things!
Let's try and make it as random as possible.
1. Peppermint icecream is the best! I wish I could eat peppermint icecream for breakfast lunch and dinner
2. While my hair is boring-brown now, over the years my hair has been blonde, black, red, purple, blue, green, yellow, orange, pink.
3. I love walruses!!!!!
4. Being at the beach makes me the happiest
5. I love fantasy books (and movies) Tolkien and Ursula Le Guin are my favs
@Rosie - I want to meet your cat. Can you shear her? I imagine that would be the coolest thing ever. You could knit a cat-wool beanie! Okay, calming down now...
Also, pacers for the win.
Following on from my intro on the 'Who's behind ReachOut.com' thread here are my 5 random things...
1. I love sloths
2. I have to listen to something while going to sleep, usually podcasts, usually This American Life
3. I hate chickeny chicken, fishy fish and meaty meat. Not a fan of strong flavoured proteins...
4. I dont really like parties (except dinner parties)
5. I love the tv show Girls
5 random things........................................................
1. I listen to YouTube all day at work. I love the excitement of choosing a new random song each time one finishes.
2. I have a cat, and she has wool instead of fur.
3. I'm a huge fan of nailpolish
4. I find stacking books very soothing
5. I like using pacers more than standard lead pencils.
1. I spend more time with my cat than any human. I recently bought a black and white cat onesie so that we could pretend to be twins.
2. I work in outdoor recreation and am qualified to teach a heap of things like archery, rock climbing, high ropes, canoeing, etc.
3. In just over three months I will have finished my first degree! Woooooo! But I'm not sure what I want to do next.
4. The last few years I've become a bit of a travel freak. Last year I visited Vietnam, Thailand, Italy, Spain, France, Belgium, Germany, The Netherlands, Austria, Czech Republic, UK & North America and this year I'm headed to India, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia.
5. I have a tendancy to spontaneously do things like cut/dye my hair, and get new piercings or tattoos. I've given myself a tattoo ban (last one was in February), and I seem to be cutting my hair more in compensation...
(and another, because I'm cheating) 6. My sister and I look like twins, despite being two & a half years different in age.
1. I love smileys(although I haven't worked out why they don't appear in my post yet)
2. I love random conversations
3. Purple is my favourite colour
4. I love to write
5. I hear music is everywhere i go....
2. I much prefer fiction books, yet I'm currently reading 3 non-fiction books.
3. My favourite colour for the last couple of years has been red, but I doubt anyone I know would think so.
4. I currently have the eyes of a maltese fixed on me.
5. Very happy that there was a bird avatar option.
@Cesj wrote:
2. I like mint ice cream and cookie dough together, or if there is no mint ice cream ill just have cookie dough raw
😛 Whenever I make choc chip cookies I always save some of the dough to eat raw. SO GOOD! 🙂
Are you a cone or tub/bowl sort of ice cream person? I don't like cones much because they can go soggy and some don't taste as nice.
The best thing about this thread is realising how we're all alike in some way or another. I think I could have replied to each of these posts and said, "I do that too, TWINS!"
1. My guilty pleasure is late-night Tumblring before bed. I'm sure it's better for me to read a book.
2. I get really cold feet - physically, not metaphorically.
3. I made my first Laksa from scratch over the weekend, I really enjoyed doing something with my weekend that didn't involve drinking and spending lots of money.
4. I'm left handed and am always confused by the amount of people that find that interesting.
5. I lived in Europe for 6 months and can't wait to go back and do more travel, I'm definitely wanderlust.
@deepbreath wrote:
The best thing about this thread is realising how we're all alike in some way or another. I think I could have replied to each of these posts and said, "I do that too, TWINS!"
@Db: Hehe. That made me think of a quote I like "We're all different, we're all the same"- Unknown. 🙂
Also, yay for trying something new! I've never tasted Laksa, let alone made it. Hope it was yummy! 🙂
- I've never broken a bone in my body
- One of my family's dogs is a Dalmatian
- When I was 17 I wanted to dance as a career
- My favourite flavour of icecream is choc-chip cookie dough
- I'm going to Italy at the end of this year and I'm getting excited about it!
1. I've got into a really horrid habit of saying "otay" instead of "ok" somehow. I cringe at myself.
2. I'm the baby of the family being the youngest of 4
3. Last week I actually resigned from the 5th job I have at the moment. Woo go me for finally realising I couldn't do EVERYTHING. 4 jobs though, is definitely manageable...
4. Recently descovered the wonders of green apple with peanut butter. om nom nom
5 and super randomest- I have a collection of gum wrappers that I started collecting a few years ago becuase I used to chew gum religiously, and thought it was a waste if I just always threw away the wrappers. I counted them once and I think it was around 400 or something silly.
Any thoughts on what I can do with 400 gum wrappers??
1. I love bollywoood!
2. I have and always had a crush on Jhonny Depp (one of the amazing actors off all time!)
3. I have a passion for photography
4. I have two neices and a nephew whom I consider as my own childrens
5. I am blessed to have a lovely familly, who I love soo much!
Hmm, let's see... 5 random things about me... This is actually surprisingly hard!!
1. I am a really slow eater, and pretty much always finish last. The only thing that I always eat faster than other people is ice cream.
2. I have never dyed my hair (other than the occasional coloured spray for a fete or sports day).
3. I'm going to my first concert in 7 years this year (Coldplay - woo!).
4. I am mad about rugby league (Let's Go Broncos!).
5. I looove using smileys 🙂 😛
Hi everyone! Nice to meet you all and super-interesting to read your random facts.
@florenceforever - I collect those free postcards too! Except they're all just sitting in a box...
Random things ahoy! Okay...
1. When we have homemade pasties for tea, I always eat the filling first, and then eat the pastry afterwards. A habit I picked up from my older sister when we were little, then she dropped it and I didn't. Only at home though, that would be so awkward if I was out with friends and did that!
2. I am going to Slovenia in 6 weeks (among other places).
3. I like baking cakes with chickpeas. (So much protein!)
4. I am currently farm-sitting, and am looking after pigs, chooks, geese, sheep, cats and a dog.
5. Today I am trying to thread (or warp) a loom I was given for my birthday, which is testing my patience. Almost there though!
- I have a fast growing box of lego. My shelves are currently playing host to a lego Dalek, Police Box and castle.
- I just got back from Paris, and I'm having epic homesickness (even though I technically never lived there...).
- I'm a vegetarian - which is really hard to do in France.
- Even though I'm an Apple nerd, I have an Android phone. Also, once while at Uni I convinced my entire sharehouse to reformat their computers with Linux (high five to the first person who knows what that is!)
- I strongly believe vegimite and raisin toast are best friends
@Georgie: I do the same thing with Pasties!! my family always laughs at me but I eat the vegies/meat then fill the pastry with HP sauce and eat it 🙂
1. I've been bingeing Homeland with my grandma haha
2. I've worn glasses since the age of 3
3. I love a sunny day!
4. and hiking (when it's not too sunny).
5. I don't have a favourite colour
Oh, I forgot to add...
@Atma - I love the thought that went into choosing your username. What an awesome meaning 🙂
@Georgie: Haha about the pasties thing. 😛 I have a friend who drank/slurped lemonade off a saucer at my place once...so funny to watch!
Ello =]
5 Random Things about me...
[1] I have a fettish for pericings and tatts =p
[2] Love animals.. Have 2 ducks 2 parrots and my baby Cat Nanu
[3] Fave bands Slipknot and Bullet For My Valentine
[4] Concert/music Festival junkie
[5] And......Im excited as a screaming teenage Biebier Fan, participating with the forums =]
1. Coldrock will always make me smile, no matter how crappy my day has been.
2. I am the shortest person in my family, and I am 6ft.
3. I sit on the fence when choosing between cats and dogs. Do I really have to pick a side?
4. I'm a reality TV show addict.
5. I quote The Simpsons everyday because it lightens and brightens the day.