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Any tips on being more appearing feminine

Hii, haven't posted in a bit but does anyone have some tips on appearing more feminine but in way where people won't point out much or at all

GenderthiefPosted 19-09-2022 12:34 AM


LadybugPosted 19-09-2022 09:57 PM

Hello @Genderthief

There's plenty that you can do to appear more feminine! Since I'm not sure exactly what your goal is, I'll suggest a few things that I feel would make a difference but not in an explicitly noticeable way.

A good start that wouldn't arouse much suspicion from others but can certainly give a more feminine look and feel would be to focus on grooming. So much of the 'feminine' appearance comes not from the fashion but from grooming habits :

  • Showering often while using feminine shampoos and soaps as opposed to the 3 in 1 products targeted at men. This alone can make a subtle difference.
  • You can also try hair removal wherever you feel comfortable. Minimal body hair has strong feminine associations. On the topic of hair, you can also groom your eyebrows: cleaning up stray hairs by plucking to define your natural shape (you can try accentuating an eyebrow arch if you want to take it a step further but i'd reccomned doing that professionally).  
  • Skin care: I've heard from others in a similar situation that using moisturizer or serums is a good way to brighten and soften your skin for a more feminine complexion and is unlikely to draw any attention. Makeup is a great way to highlight your femininity if you are comfortable and you can experiement with some natural looks, however in my experience it can attact some attention.
  • How about trying some feminine scents? I already mentioned soaps but you can also try female targeted deoderants and maybe even a hint of perfume. Too much perfume will be noticeable but a small amount will allow it to be just for you and only noticeable if someone were to hug you. (probably something worth trying if you want to quietly introduce your femininity to others)
  • After all that you can also consider wearing feminine colours or fabrics. I don't feel like colours really have a gender but statistically speaking, softer colours tend to give off more of a feminine vibe than brigter colours.

Of course there is more you can do to build upon these when you are ready but as with everything, the more you do the more it is likely to draw some kind of attention. As @Iona_RO pointed out, other people's opions don't matter. But I understand that they can still have an influence and you should be able to feel comfortable experimenting at your own pace without the pressure.

I wish you all the best! 🤗

Iona_ROPosted 19-09-2022 11:54 AM

Hey @Genderthief😊

It's great to hear from you! I know you chatted before about trying some more feminine clothing by going thrift shopping, were you able to give that a go?

You've mentioned you want to look more feminine without people pointing it out - is that something that's happened? I know it's not always easy as there are some very narrowminded people out there unfortunately, but know that you should be able to appear as feminine as you want & everyone else's opinions don't matter ❤️

Have you tried experimenting with make-up? There's lots of ways to do this in a more subtle way if that feels more comfortable. There's some great tutorials on Youtube and Tiktok that might be helpful, I've come across quite a few trans make-up creators who are fantastic!  

SavanahPittmanPosted 13-03-2023 04:01 AM

Hello there! I noticed that this forum post is quite old, but I wanted to answer your question about tips on appearing more feminine. If you're still looking for ideas, one thing to consider is adding some subtle makeup or wearing clothing that is traditionally associated with femininity. Another option is to explore treatments like Botox, which can help soften facial features. Onsite Medspa in Calabasas offers Botox treatments, and you can find more information about their services here: Ultimately, it's important to do what makes you feel confident and comfortable in your own skin. I hope this helps!

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