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I am a trans MTF and extremely scared for my future

I am 16 and scared that I will not pass and dysphoria is never going to go away. I can't tell if I look androgynous enough to transition into feminine looking. I am on an HRT waitlist but don't know how long much longer it's going to take or what the hurdles are for it.


Can I please get some advice? 

Laura938Posted 23-07-2022 10:55 PM


Iona_ROPosted 25-07-2022 12:41 PM

Hey @Laura938❤️

I wanted to check in to see how you're doing today? I'm so glad you've been able to come onto the forums to chat about what you're going through at the moment. Although I haven't gone through any medical transitioning, I'm non-binary and can understand how important it is to feel connected to your body and identity.


You've mentioned you are on the waitlist for HRT, is that something you've been supported with by your GP? Have they been able to give you any kind of plan of what transitioning will look like for you?


From what you've said, I'm presuming you'd like to present more feminine? Have you experiemented with this through clothing, hairstyle or makeup yet? I know feeling feminine can take a lot more than just these things, but sometimes they are a good way to start the journey and explore how you feel the most like yourself 😊

MAYC-ROPosted 24-07-2022 12:03 PM

Hi @Laura938 


Welcome to the Community, I'm glad that you have reached out for support. Please know that there are others that share your experience and you are not alone.


When you are talking about being scared for your future, can I please check-in with you if you're feeling like you might harm yourself or feel unsafe at all?


It's good that you have taken the steps to get on the HRT waitlist, it takes enormous courage to start moving forward and embracing who you are 💖 Here is an article about how Emma transitioned from MTF which may be of interest to you. 


Other than medical, what sort of supports do you currently have that you can rely on? If you don't already know of them, QLife is a really good free and anonymous phone and webchat service if you want to speak to someone. Please take care of yourself and let us know how everything is going for you.





Laura938Posted 24-07-2022 04:46 PM

Oh I am not in immediate danger of harming myself. I meant I am scared of discrimination and being rejected from the rest of society.

Taylor-ROPosted 24-07-2022 06:17 PM

Hi @Laura938

Thank you for clarifying and letting us know that you are safe. I can understand why you are feeling scared of discrimination and being rejected. A lot of people who have been in your position feel similarly. It is hard to know what the future might look like especially when things are so difficult right now. You mentioned that you are on a waitlist for HRT. Waiting can be so nerve wracking with all of these unknown variables. Have you been able to chat to your doctor about the waiting time and hurdles?  

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