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Uber contributor

originally posted on 19-09-2016 9:02 PM

Let's talk a bit more about study related struggles - and how we learned from them:


Have you ever struggled to get all your school, uni or TAFE work done? How did you cope?

Super frequent scribe

originally posted on 19-09-2016 9:14 PM

There is no question there were times when I struggled to get through my studies. I'm in my 3rd year now, and my 3rd year has been my worst year out of all so far! Mainly due to so many health issues cropping up. It was nasty. Long story short, my eyesight rapidly deteriorated in about the space of a week. My eyesight got so bad I couldn't read up close or far away - and as such I couldn't get any work done at all. Until I could afford a new pair of glasses (they are expensive when you're a uni student!)


So how did I cope? Well, at my university we have a support center for people who have disabilities. And they are very very supportive - if you work with them they really work closely with you, your lecturers, tutors etc to ensure that certain failsafes are implemented should things go awry. The disabled community are very lucky to have the support we do! I am incredibly grateful! So yeah, I took full advantage of these services and the measures put in place were very effective in terms of allowing me to focus on my recovery and not stress so much about uni while I got better! 

originally posted on 19-09-2016 9:08 PM

Have you ever struggled to get all your school, uni or TAFE work done? How did you cope?


Fuck yeah!  It's holidays at the moment and I still have things I have to do that should've been done before the holidays.  I coped by acting like I didn't care and distracting myself from it which resulted in a whole lots of failed SACs.  Definitely not saying it's the right way of coping but that's how I cope anyway.


Creating a time and space to do it has been helpful though, it just doesn't happen very often.

Uber contributor

originally posted on 19-09-2016 8:59 PM

Heyhey @FootyFan26!! It is definitely easier to study when you're in the mood, but it isn't always like that when you need to study. Hopefully tonight helps you out with that!

Star contributor

originally posted on 19-09-2016 8:56 PM

@safari93 Well, one step at a time. Could definitely see it as editing time which wouldn't have existed without having done that.
Uber contributor

originally posted on 19-09-2016 8:56 PM

Goodnight @lokifish!! Thanks for coming out to the session tonight!!


@Super_Me I definitely agree with the fact that the stress that the "HD or the highway" mentality can be really harmful!

Uber contributor

originally posted on 19-09-2016 8:53 PM

Go @j95! Sometimes keeping the big picture in mind is the best motivation


@RevzZ I find tea to be quite calming as well! And I also did the pretend assessment date trick to make sure I didn't do anything to the last minute. It sort of failed, since I just did everything to the last minute of the pretend date, but at least then I had time to go back and edit things

Uber contributor

originally posted on 19-09-2016 8:59 PM

I like to break it into steps rather than I have a four year work & study load... because thats a long time, thats just under 1/5th of my life so far!
So I break it down into the four years, and then maybe even 6 month blocks, like ok I'm over half way through year 2 right now and only have less than 6 months until year 3 (although not really the case I have to redo some stuff but not the point....)
//You can stay afraid, or slit the throat of fear and be brave//
Star contributor

originally posted on 19-09-2016 8:49 PM

What makes it easier for you to stay focused and motivated when you study?

It's funny you talk about a cup of tea @safari93. I use a cup of tea to stay focused sometimes! 😊 Getting anxious over deadlines and frustrating problems can lower my motivation sometimes so calming down with a cup of tea has been helpful.

In the past, I've had to deceive myself in order to become motivated to study. I made a calendar and purposely made it so that assessments and things were due 3 days before they actually were due. So if I hadn't actually managed to get much done, I'd be so much more motivated to do so when the date got closer. It's not fun but it works. This in turn actually motivated me to chase the feeling and habit of finishing it early so that there's breathing room.
Uber contributor

originally posted on 19-09-2016 8:52 PM

I'm getting pretty tired so I'm actually going to head off now. Thanks for having me @Ben-RO @safari93. I'll read through the rest of the thread tomorrow 🙂

No human being, however great or powerful, was ever so free as a fish
Uber contributor

originally posted on 19-09-2016 8:47 PM

What makes it easier for you to stay focused and motivated when you study?


It helps if the subject matter is interesting, of course, but if it isn't, then breaking things down into smaller parts and focusing on them one at a time. Just having really structured study sessions is super helpful for me, otherwise I tend to get distracted or not learn the material properly

originally posted on 19-09-2016 8:57 PM

What makes it easier for you to stay focused and motivated when you study?


Sorry I'm late.


  Not much...


Sometimes I'm in the mood and I'll just work non stop and if I'm not I'll sit in class and do absolutely nothing.

Music tends to help and also having the people around me on task as well, if they're distracted I'm most likely going to be distracted as well.


Going into year 11 next year I'd better fix up my game.

originally posted on 19-09-2016 8:57 PM

HEEEYYYYY @FootyFan26!!!!


Uber contributor

originally posted on 19-09-2016 9:05 PM

hey @FootyFan26 nice to see you, i feel like its been ages
//You can stay afraid, or slit the throat of fear and be brave//
Star contributor

originally posted on 19-09-2016 9:11 PM

Ok I'm back, kind of. May or may not have a major assessment tomorrow I'm studying for Smiley Wink


Some great suggestions above! 


Yep there have definitely been times I've struggled to get all my work done. Sometimes it's because life just happens and it's really important and helpful to communicate, maybe get an extension, plan my time out and do what I can to get through the issue. 

originally posted on 19-09-2016 9:13 PM

In general, I cope by breaking the task down into smaller chunks, remembering my motivation and why I'm doing this in the first place and being kind to myself. Beating yourself up does not increase productivity! 

Uber contributor

originally posted on 19-09-2016 9:10 PM

Same here @j95...
Uber contributor

originally posted on 19-09-2016 9:09 PM

Have you ever struggled to get all your school, uni or TAFE work done? How did you cope?

Yep, so many times. Definitely "coped" by pulling a few all nighters in my time, which is probs not very good. And I have failed a couple of courses in my time too, derp. I am a bit better at coping now, but i sure learned the hard way! These days i cope by trying to keep things a bit more balanced. I still finish stuff in a huge rush though, i think it's just how i am wired. But these days i make sure the rush happens a little bit before the deadline, rather than when whatever it is is due. That way if something breaks, or i get sick, it's okay because i have a bit of a buffer before i crash into the deadline 😛 
Uber contributor

originally posted on 19-09-2016 9:14 PM

Have you ever struggled to get all your school, uni or TAFE work done? How did you cope?

So many times... I think I just tried my best to get it done while remembering that my mental health is important and if it isn't perfect and its given to the teacher the day after its due that is ok, obviously not ideal but its ok, its better to do it that way then become way too overwhelmed and stressed and give up
//You can stay afraid, or slit the throat of fear and be brave//
Uber contributor

originally posted on 19-09-2016 9:11 PM

Oh and i coped by asking for help! It's okay to ask for extensions, and things like having some mental health stuff going on are totally legitimate reasons to ask for some more time. 

Uber contributor

originally posted on 19-09-2016 8:42 PM

Seems like studying isn't everyone's cup of tea, which is perfectly fine! But what do you do when you need to study a subject?


What makes it easier for you to stay focused and motivated when you study?

Uber contributor

originally posted on 19-09-2016 8:47 PM

What makes it easier for you to stay focused and motivated when you study?

Keeping in mind my goals and what the outcome will be at the end of all of this hard work - I'll be qualified (big goal) and one step closer to one of my life goals
//You can stay afraid, or slit the throat of fear and be brave//
Uber contributor

originally posted on 19-09-2016 8:54 PM

What makes it easier for you to stay focused and motivated when you study?


Feeling like i am getting somewhere. Which for me means breaking things into little goals. If i feel like the task is HUGE then i can feel a bit overwhelmed, especially because like @lokifish i can become quite the perfectionist. Over time I've learned to just get things done and that sometimes things have to be perfect, but a lot of the time it's better to finish it and think about what you can improve, rather than trying to get it just right on the first go. Learning to do things that way has helped me feel way more motivated, because instead of some kind of crazy goal that's hard to hit, i have an easier goal that I can then build on... hopefully that kinda makes sense 😛


originally posted on 19-09-2016 8:45 PM

What makes it easier for you to stay focused and motivated when you study?

I think this kind of ties in with my previous answers.


Focused: listening to music, studying at the library, taking regular breaks

Motivated: rewarding myself. Also reminding myself of my long term goals and thinking about how good it will feel when I get good marks/graduate 🙂

No human being, however great or powerful, was ever so free as a fish
Uber contributor

originally posted on 19-09-2016 8:35 PM

@lokifish that seems like a sound strategy! The incentive idea also sounds like you're rewarding yourself for making a good effort, rather than for doing the work perfectly, which is a much less stressful way of thinking about your studies