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Uber contributor

originally posted on 19-09-2016 9:47 PM

@SmileMonkey i am impressed by your dedication! Clearly you have your procrastination monkey well tamed. 


What are some things you might suggest for people who struggle with that kind of routine? 



Star contributor

originally posted on 19-09-2016 9:38 PM

Rather than reach the point of needing to pull an all-nighter I like to start working on assignment as soon as I get it. 50 minutes a night 5 days a week, as this really does help to get the assignment completed without becoming boring and annoying.
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Uber contributor

originally posted on 19-09-2016 9:34 PM

@Ben-RO I think of it as "Do I have the energy/spoons to do something unhealthy?" I might pull an all-nighter if I haven't done one in a while and absolutely need to, but try not to rely on it too much. Same goes for other situations in which I might be doing something unhealthy. That being said, I think certain things for me are off limits, since they're tied to other issues which are potentially triggering

Star contributor

originally posted on 19-09-2016 9:28 PM

Take time to reward yourself after completing an assignment. It's very important to not overload yourself with too much work, so take some time to have a little reward for your efforts. Have a nice dinner, a bath, do something that makes you feel good, because you deserve it after working so hard 🙂
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Uber contributor

originally posted on 19-09-2016 9:27 PM

How do you look after yourself when you’re also dealing with a study load?


The important thing for me to remember is to not do too much too quickly. Apart from the fact that doing too much means you're probably not paying attention to the work you're doing, you're also going to tire yourself out and potentially become frustrated and exhausted by the huge amount of effort you're putting in. Structuring study sessions is important for that, as well as keeping little things around like food or videos to watch during breaks

Super frequent scribe

originally posted on 19-09-2016 9:30 PM

Without a doubt meditation! Smiling Mind is a wonderful app!

Star contributor

originally posted on 19-09-2016 9:26 PM

Also it is great to be open with your teachers if you do have issues. Teachers are people too and they understand if you are unwell and unable to complete an assignment on time. Don't be afraid to ask for help, that's what they are there for. Plus when I was in high school I found the website to be a great place to talk about syllabus and ask questions about what we learning.

@Super_Me check out I am also a poor uni student who needs to wear glasses all the time. Zenni optical have great cheap frames and all you need is your prescription. I have had atleast 15 pairs from them so far with four changes in prescription.
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Uber contributor

originally posted on 19-09-2016 9:22 PM

I feel like we're sort of heading towards this question, so let's just get it out!


How do you look after yourself when you’re also dealing with a study load?

originally posted on 19-09-2016 9:30 PM

How do you look after yourself when you’re also dealing with a study load?


  • Taking loads of breaks!
  • Make time for sport or recreational activities
  • Talk with people and discuss it
  • Remember that it's not the end of the world if my work isn't 100%
  • Get sleep

I'm in year 10 so I feel like most of you guys are in Uni now so I probs have it much easier + totally different schedule

originally posted on 19-09-2016 9:29 PM

@FootyFan26 No you are certainly not alone in that. 


How do you look after yourself when you’re also dealing with a study load?

Truthfully I feel this is something I could be doing better at. For me it's really important to take breaks regularly and make sure to do other things I enjoy, otherwise study can get really overwhelming. I make sure I go places other university and my house and try to see/contact people regularly. I enjoy clearing my head with a walk up in the bush or beach somewhere when I can. I like chilling out listening to music or watching a good TV show and or watch a quick YouTube video during short study breaks, being careful not to fall into the YouTube wormhole for several hours! 

Uber contributor

originally posted on 19-09-2016 9:21 PM


Hey, welcome @SmileMonkey!! Definitely agree with the emphasis on moderation, overdoing studies can lead to burnout and exhaustion. Plus, it is important to tailor your study methods to what your needs are

Star contributor

originally posted on 19-09-2016 9:19 PM

Hi Everyone,
I am a Social work student who when studying at high school was also completing three tafe courses and doing work experience at my local newspaper. I was always quite the perfectionist until I graduated high school as my principal and teachers were basically drumming it into us that "failing to prepare was preparing to fail".
I didn't start studying again until I was 22, that's how long it took me to work out what I truly wanted to be when I grew up. Now I take things slowly, generally only study 50minutes at a time before I take a break. It's all about moderation, nothing worse than reading a textbook and becoming so bored you are not even taking in the knowledge.
Everyone has a different way they like to study, I oddly need some kind of TV show playing because it helps me to retain information. Or when I listen to lectures I like to draw a little to help retain some information. Everyone is different and you really need to learn what helps you study and retain information.
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originally posted on 19-09-2016 9:22 PM

Am I the only one who studies for about 30 seconds then decides it's time for a break??? 🙂
Uber contributor

originally posted on 19-09-2016 9:28 PM

@FootyFan26 I give myself a break after getting my pen and paper out!!
//You can stay afraid, or slit the throat of fear and be brave//
Super frequent scribe

originally posted on 19-09-2016 9:27 PM

Couldn't help but laugh at this!

originally posted on 19-09-2016 9:24 PM

@FootyFan26 i am definitely also that kind of person too hahaha. 


Uber contributor

originally posted on 19-09-2016 9:29 PM

How do you look after yourself when you’re also dealing with a study load?



The answer i guess is kind of in the question: Look after yourself! 

It can be really tempting to pull all nighters, skip things you do to look after yourself like exercising or eating reasonably healthy stuff. Okay so maybe you might need an extra late night or an extra coffee - or three, but try and make up the sleep you lost, try and balance all the sugary study food with something a little more healthy so you keep your body nourished. 


Hmm while writing my answer to this question i kind of  thought of another question: is it okay to pull an all- nighter sometimes? Can you be a little bit unhealthy and still be looking afteryourself? If so, where do you draw the line? 

originally posted on 19-09-2016 9:33 PM

@Ben-RO Being in Year 10 consequences of not doing work would be far less than in Uni so for me I don't think so. Physical health comes first..

You'd probably fail the course of you didn't do the work in Uni right? I have no clue about this stuff...

originally posted on 19-09-2016 9:35 PM

@FootyFan26 yep, generally if you don't do the work you don't pass the course, and then you might not be able to do another course until you pass, so you have to go do it again and.... well it gets messy 😛 

Uber contributor

originally posted on 19-09-2016 9:18 PM

@FootyFan26 it's still a good start! Perhaps the next time you have SACs you can think about how best to create some time and space for them?


@Super_Me that's really amazing that your uni has that! Would definitely recommend everyone get familiar with their disabilities services at their uni or TAFE

Uber contributor

originally posted on 19-09-2016 9:12 PM

@FootyFan26 creating time and space for study and assignments is useful! Actually implementing it in real life can be a bit tricky though. Have you ever applied that to an assignment or exam you've had to do?

originally posted on 19-09-2016 9:13 PM

@safari93 I've thought about it...???
Uber contributor

originally posted on 19-09-2016 9:09 PM

Have you ever struggled to get all your school, uni or TAFE work done? How did you cope?


I really struggled the most in school, since I didn't really start studying till year 12, and had to deal with tutoring classes as well as school. I eventually made it through with all the work I needed to do, but it took some prioritising and talking to tutors so I didn't get too much work to do

Uber contributor

originally posted on 19-09-2016 9:03 PM

Goodnight @RevzZ!! Thanks for coming to GR!!

Star contributor

originally posted on 19-09-2016 9:02 PM

Running low on 3G data so I'm off too. Thanks for the discussion and have fun with the rest!