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Uber contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 8:36 PM

Why should we celebrate the little things? In what ways can we celebrate these things?

We should celebrate little things because without them we wouldn't be doing most things we do each day. Its also good to recognise that we do great things everyday, even if they aren't huge. it helps remind us of how far we have come and not to be too harsh on ourselves, we are not acheiving nothing, we are achieving things, they might not be huge but they are still better than nothing

//You can stay afraid, or slit the throat of fear and be brave//
Star contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 8:47 PM

@j95 wrote:

Its also good to recognise that we do great things everyday, even if they aren't huge. it helps remind us of how far we have come and not to be too harsh on ourselves, we are not acheiving nothing, we are achieving things

Absolutely @j95!!!

|| Life runs in cycles, the wheel never stops turning, no matter how dark the night morning comes, no matter how cold the winter, spring comes. When you feel despair know that the wheel is turning, joy will come. ||
Star contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 8:49 PM

One question I have heard people ask relating to this stuff is...


Is it selfish doing this?

|| Life runs in cycles, the wheel never stops turning, no matter how dark the night morning comes, no matter how cold the winter, spring comes. When you feel despair know that the wheel is turning, joy will come. ||
Star contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 8:56 PM

Is it selfish doing this?


I think I always felt it was. I would encorage other people to notice their small wins (I was often the one pointing them out to my friends) yet I would never do the same for myself.


But then I realised, noticing the little things in other people make me feel so proud of them, why shouldnt I feel the same way toward myself?

|| Life runs in cycles, the wheel never stops turning, no matter how dark the night morning comes, no matter how cold the winter, spring comes. When you feel despair know that the wheel is turning, joy will come. ||
Star contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 8:58 PM

I find this kind of relates to spoon theory. Different things take different spoons for different people. Sometimes the smaller things are the ones you need to celebrate more than someone else might.

|| Life runs in cycles, the wheel never stops turning, no matter how dark the night morning comes, no matter how cold the winter, spring comes. When you feel despair know that the wheel is turning, joy will come. ||
Uber contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 8:52 PM

Oooh what an awesome, tricky question @ClCl@ryvb3 I am really impressed that you're able to do that, it can take people a really long time to develop mindfulness to that level, many people don't even realise it's possible. Good on you! 

Star contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 8:36 PM

Why should we celebrate the little things? In what ways can we celebrate these things?


We should celebrate the little things so we are not too harsh on ourselves. Getting by each day can be a big effort. So can all of the little elements leading up to a bigger goal. And if they are not feeling like an effort, then thats incredible and worth celbrating too!!

Its about being kinder to ourselves, coz we deserve it!


The simplest way is just saying to ourselves in our head "go you!". I like to imagine a little internal me giving myself a hug or high five. Sometimes I just smile to myself as I look back on what I have done. When I was writing my thesis last year I would give myself a single piece of chocolate after completing a set amount of work - it was a bit of a trick I played on my own neurotransmitters, it worked a treat! It helped make me feel good and motivated me to do it again.

|| Life runs in cycles, the wheel never stops turning, no matter how dark the night morning comes, no matter how cold the winter, spring comes. When you feel despair know that the wheel is turning, joy will come. ||
Uber contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 8:25 PM

@ClCl that's a great mentality to have while working towards bigger achievements! There are so many small efforts you have to make to work towards a bigger goal, and they are all worth celebrating

Star contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 8:27 PM

Yeah I seem to be the opposite to you guys, I really cannot think about big goals or else I hide under my doona... I can only think about the next step if I want to keep progressing. Means I get lots of little things to reward myself for though! which makes it fun 😄
|| Life runs in cycles, the wheel never stops turning, no matter how dark the night morning comes, no matter how cold the winter, spring comes. When you feel despair know that the wheel is turning, joy will come. ||
Uber contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 8:21 PM

Are you drawn to big goals or small wins? Why do you think that is?


I think it's much easier to be drawn to big goals - they actually seem much harder than small wins, and other people are much more likely to congratulate you for graduating highschool than they are to celebrate you doing your laundry. I think though that focusing on big goals over small wins not only makes small wins hard to see, it also means you might beat yourself up for not being more 'accomplished' instead of celebrating the fact that you're doing your best to look after yourself during a really hard time

Uber contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 8:16 PM

Hello @ryvb3!!

Star contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 8:34 PM

Are you drawn to big goals or small wins? Why do you think that is?


I'm not sure whether I am drawn to one or the other. I think I am someone that can appreciate the small wins because it makes me feel better for not yet meeting the big goal. I don't know...

Star contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 8:42 PM

Why should we celebrate the little things?


Celebrating the little things can allow you to appreciate what you have in life even though you may feel like you had a bad day. Celebrating small victories can also be motivating so that you are more likely to forge ahead to be one step closer to your reaching your big goal.


In what ways can we celebrate these things?


Sometimes there are people in our lives that have helped us reached a big goal or that small victory - so I guess saying 'thank you' to tell for what they have done could be a way to celebrate these things. 


Maybe also allowing yourself some time to do what you want to do. Or telling someone about your small victory. 

originally posted on 18-04-2016 8:49 PM

Why should we celebrate the little things?


I think that a lot of little things are what make up the big things. It's the little wins in life, i think the bigger things can easily be really overwhelming and take over but I think a habit of doing celebrating little wins is a good way to celebrate YOU and why you deserve ALL THE THINGS!

That wasnt a very good answer but ya'll doing so well, i agree with you all!


In what ways can we celebrate these things?

I think recognising your achievements and not being so hard on ourselves so actually taking the time to appreciate that you have worked hard and you have done so well thus far. Also down time! I love down time or little treats throughout the day to get me through!

originally posted on 18-04-2016 8:55 PM

@Stealth_ninja: What you said reminded me of that lyric from a song: "From little things, big things grow". Oh, how true 🙂
Star contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 8:45 PM

@ryvb3 wrote:

Celebrating the little things can allow you to appreciate what you have in life even though you may feel like you had a bad day. Celebrating small victories can also be motivating so that you are more likely to forge ahead to be one step closer to your reaching your big goal.


That is really insightful @ryvb3!!

|| Life runs in cycles, the wheel never stops turning, no matter how dark the night morning comes, no matter how cold the winter, spring comes. When you feel despair know that the wheel is turning, joy will come. ||
Uber contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 8:36 PM



Sounds like you've got an awesome grasp of celebrating the little things already then, that's so awesome!

Star contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 8:50 PM

@Ben-RO: I have no idea why I tend to appreciate the small things. But I think it has something to do with monitoring/being aware of the type of thoughts running through my head. And I have realised that once you start thinking about what is happening around you, you can then begin to appreciate the small things. It's like spreading the spotlight from yourself to others.

Hope this jumble makes sense to someone 😄

originally posted on 18-04-2016 8:51 PM

Makes sense to me @ryvb3! I definitely feel the same way! I think im super conscious of my thoughts but I dont know if I've fully gotten hold of staying present and focused on the little things as yet but it's definitely something I strive for and i'm definitely happier for it! Like now with my sticky date 😄

Star contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 8:51 PM

makes sense to me @ryvb3!!

I find it also helps to keep me in the moment and not get distracted by other thoughts
|| Life runs in cycles, the wheel never stops turning, no matter how dark the night morning comes, no matter how cold the winter, spring comes. When you feel despair know that the wheel is turning, joy will come. ||
Uber contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 8:15 PM

@ClCl that's a really good point! I tend to celebrate bigger things, like being able to stick to a workout routine or smashing out several committments in a short span. That mentality can make it hard to appreciate small victories though, you lose sight of how important they are

Uber contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 8:20 PM

I'm with @safari93 I tend to celebrate really big things but not the small things very often, this makes it harder to see just how far I've come because I'm always pushing towards a big goal
//You can stay afraid, or slit the throat of fear and be brave//
Uber contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 8:10 PM

@j95 ahead of the game!! It's great to see you're already acknowledging the little things that you're doing Smiley Happy

Uber contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 8:07 PM

Hey there @j95!!

Uber contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 8:05 PM

What are the little things for you?


It changes depending on how bad I feel, or how my life is going at that point, but it can range from regular chores and exercise to just getting out of bed in the morning and opening my bedroom window. For me at least, in periods of particularly bad mental health I feel like the outside world is too scary + I am too pathetic/defective/some other awful descriptor to be productive, so sometimes doing a small thing to combat those ways of thinking is a feat in itself