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Star contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 9:50 PM

Do you have a little victory to celebrate today (or maybe from a few days ago)? How did you celebrate it?


I've got two victories today. 


So, I started playing a song on the piano today and at first I couldn't hit all the notes. But later in the afternoon I managed to hit some of the notes and I am slowly getting used to moving my fingers into the right position. So that is my first victory. Just hearing the lovely notes from the piano and reminidng myself how I couldn't do anything is celebration another. 


2. Attending this GR session because I haven't been hear a while. Just being here tonight has been great 😉


Hmm...I just realised that these little victories are something I find intrinsically rewarding? (don;t know if I am using that phrase right)

Star contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 9:51 PM

@ryvb3 wrote:


Hmm...I just realised that these little victories are something I find intrinsically rewarding? (don;t know if I am using that phrase right)

Wooooo!!!!! That is fantastic @ryvb3!!!

|| Life runs in cycles, the wheel never stops turning, no matter how dark the night morning comes, no matter how cold the winter, spring comes. When you feel despair know that the wheel is turning, joy will come. ||
Star contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 9:42 PM

I finally went out and bought this ergonomic equipment for my RSI. Its taken a bit of saving to get to (and energy to get out to the shop on a day it is open). Now Im celebrating by getting good use out of it and NOT having pain 😄 Plus Im pretending Im in an alien parallel universe where these whacky things are the norm and Im visiting for a day 😉
|| Life runs in cycles, the wheel never stops turning, no matter how dark the night morning comes, no matter how cold the winter, spring comes. When you feel despair know that the wheel is turning, joy will come. ||
Uber contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 9:39 PM

@Ben-RO as a short and definitely not skinny person, this gives me hope Smiley Very Happy

Uber contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 9:36 PM

@j95 sometimes looking back at how far we've come is really helpful! It's basically the same as celebrating little victories but in throwback form

Uber contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 9:35 PM

@ryvb3 that's such a good quote! I use reminders on my whiteboard, but maybe I should write a quote up there too Smiley Happy

Uber contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 9:25 PM

No wories @j95, you've already given some really great answers!


How can we remind ourselves to do these things when we are feeling down on ourselves?


To be honest, I'm not sure how else to do it beyond constantly reminding myself, and writing reminders down as well. Also thinking about why I'm so hard on myself - when I start criticising myself for being 'unproductive' I ask myself why I'm being so critical, and is it necessary? 

Not that this didn't take time for me to remember to do or anything - even now I forget sometimes!

Star contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 9:33 PM

How can we remind ourselves to do these things when we are feeling down on ourselves?


I think being aware of what you are saying to yourself and challenging the negative thoughts that arise may lead you to step back and be more self-compassionate. 


I have this saying written on a sticky note on my bedroom that I use to remind myself to stay in the present moment. 

               “If you are depressed you are living in the past.
                If you are anxious you are living in the future.
                If you are at peace you are living in the present.”


So, maybe finding a saying, a quote or motivational poster and sticking it where you'll see can be a reminder to celebrate the little things. 

Star contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 9:38 PM

@CICI: Its difficult to celebrate the little things when you are feeling bad because you are just less open to what's happening around you. And sometimes you just don't want to be around people.

Sometimes you just gotta accept the feeling and understand where it's coming from. Other times, just stepping back and not feeding that negative feeling.

@Ben-RO: A similar thing is having a gratitude journal where you write down the good things that has happened.
Star contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 9:40 PM

@ryvb3 wrote:
@CICI: Its difficult to celebrate the little things when you are feeling bad because you are just less open to what's happening around you. And sometimes you just don't want to be around people.

Sometimes you just gotta accept the feeling and understand where it's coming from. Other times, just stepping back and not feeding that negative feeling.

Wow @ryvb3 that response blew me away - thank you.

|| Life runs in cycles, the wheel never stops turning, no matter how dark the night morning comes, no matter how cold the winter, spring comes. When you feel despair know that the wheel is turning, joy will come. ||
Uber contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 9:36 PM

Also as a not so serious public service announcement- there are Kanye motivational posters. I can neither confirm nor deny that these are stuck up on a wall in our office 😛 


Star contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 9:36 PM

Thats great you have it so it is something you see everyday. Because it can be hard to remember to do something if your mind it lost in other things. That is a good way of reminding yourself @ryvb3 🙂
|| Life runs in cycles, the wheel never stops turning, no matter how dark the night morning comes, no matter how cold the winter, spring comes. When you feel despair know that the wheel is turning, joy will come. ||
Star contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 9:29 PM

How can we remind ourselves to do these things when we are feeling down on ourselves?


I find I am great at it when I feel good, but terrible when I dont feel good - when I need to do it most.


What do you do @j95? @ryvb3? I need your help for suggestions!

|| Life runs in cycles, the wheel never stops turning, no matter how dark the night morning comes, no matter how cold the winter, spring comes. When you feel despair know that the wheel is turning, joy will come. ||
Uber contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 9:35 PM

How can we remind ourselves to do these things when we are feeling down on ourselves?

- One thing a lot of people on RO have been reminding me to do lately is looking back on some of the positive things I have written about myself.
- Positive affirmations
- Looking back on how far you've come

Thats all I've got...
//You can stay afraid, or slit the throat of fear and be brave//
Star contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 9:38 PM

Thats awesome @j95 - could you give us an example of a positive affirmation?

Yeah, RO creates a great record of things we say so we can look back on them when were are in a different mind place. (we might have something coming up along that point... 😉 )
|| Life runs in cycles, the wheel never stops turning, no matter how dark the night morning comes, no matter how cold the winter, spring comes. When you feel despair know that the wheel is turning, joy will come. ||
Uber contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 9:42 PM

coming up when @CICI explain please

a positive affirmation could be something you like about yourself, you could set these as reminders on your phone or post them up on your wall, it would be good if we remembered to make these when we're feeling good but often we're busy enjoying the moment rather than thinking about if things go wrong.
//You can stay afraid, or slit the throat of fear and be brave//
Star contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 9:43 PM

I guess thats why its good to take a moment to look back after a good time and appreciate it then @j95?
|| Life runs in cycles, the wheel never stops turning, no matter how dark the night morning comes, no matter how cold the winter, spring comes. When you feel despair know that the wheel is turning, joy will come. ||
Uber contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 9:32 PM

I actually have a reminder in my Calendar, and when I'm in my weekly team meeting at RO, we have a standing item on the agenda called (good stuff that happened today). Where we literally take turns to share something that was good! 🙂 

Star contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 9:32 PM

Im feeling this might be something we all find hard? Is that true?
|| Life runs in cycles, the wheel never stops turning, no matter how dark the night morning comes, no matter how cold the winter, spring comes. When you feel despair know that the wheel is turning, joy will come. ||
Uber contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 9:16 PM

@ryvb3 true, this kind of self-love can help us be true to ourselves!

Uber contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 9:20 PM

sorry I dropped off the chat a bit @CICI I'm really struggling to concentrate on anything for longer than a few minutes lately.

What is the impact of practicing self-love in this way?
You can appreciate what you can do rather than stressing about and feeling down over what you can't do.
//You can stay afraid, or slit the throat of fear and be brave//
Star contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 9:23 PM

No problem at all @j95. I was worried we might have scared you off and that is the last thing we want to do - we love your input!!!

Yes! Anything to reduce stress I say 🙂
|| Life runs in cycles, the wheel never stops turning, no matter how dark the night morning comes, no matter how cold the winter, spring comes. When you feel despair know that the wheel is turning, joy will come. ||
Uber contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 9:07 PM

What is the impact of practicing self-love in this way? What is the impact of NOT practising self-love in these ways?


I think this kind of self-love can change our priorities and the way we think about what we do, in a more positive and self-affirming way. Instead of only counting the big achievements and criticising ourselves for not being able to do more, we notice that we've already done so much, and that it is amazing.

So I guess the opposite would probably have the opposite effect, where we might be too harsh on ourselves. We could overwork ourselves trying to be productive or ignore warning signs that our mental or physical health is going down the drain as well.

Star contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 9:09 PM

What is the impact of practicing self-love in this way? What is the impact of NOT practising self-love in these ways?


It makes it easier to be kind to yourself. I find it also make it easier to notice all the things you do which can be considered achievements.


When not doing it you overlook a lot and dont give yourself the recognisition you deserve for all the things you acomplish each and everday.

|| Life runs in cycles, the wheel never stops turning, no matter how dark the night morning comes, no matter how cold the winter, spring comes. When you feel despair know that the wheel is turning, joy will come. ||
Star contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 9:12 PM

What do you think @j95 @ryvb3?
|| Life runs in cycles, the wheel never stops turning, no matter how dark the night morning comes, no matter how cold the winter, spring comes. When you feel despair know that the wheel is turning, joy will come. ||